Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oh, please let it be true...

I have fallen into the internets this morning, reading the series of reports from the alleged anonymous Democratic Party insider portraying an Obama White House that is coming apart so fast that people are being hit by the shrapnel.

True? Who knows? But eminently plausible, given that it seems to indicate that the biggest criticism of both the Clinton and McCain camps is coming true: Barry is a great campaigner whose actual executive planning skills are only slightly more sophisticated than those of the Underpants Gnomes:
  1. Get Elected.
  2. ??????
  3. Hope and Change!

Hints are also dropped that the most valuable employee of soon-to-be-ex-Mayor Daley is not going to be able to avoid getting splattered with Chicago muck indefinitely...


  1. As long as gridlock is alive and well, we will be better off. I don't see much in the way of repeals, personally.

    Al T.

  2. Now THAT, was some interesting reading. I kept waiting for the underground parking garage scene. The blogger is either channelling his Deep Throat alter ego impressively or it's legit. Either way, the "Insider's" observations have definitely proven to be spot on so far. The medicated for depression president image is pretty spooky. Have you ever read the list of side effects of anti-depressants? I'm thinking that after Obama's towering accomplishments on his G-20 tour, the White House docs might be upping his dosage just a tad. Damn.

  3. It's all fun and games until some FBI patsy rents a Ryder. Hang on tight, folks.

  4. I get the feeling that Barry really did believe all that hopeychangy stuff, and that just by being elected everything would fall into line. Kind of a sudden mass conversion of the American people to the new religion of Obamaism with him as the Messiah.

    He also seems to believe that his opponents’ views are shallow, emotional, and temporary- that we would give up clinging to our guns and religion and other opposed beliefs after we saw his glory.

    I also think that Obama believed that any sort of mass grassroots action would happen on his behalf- that opposition to his agenda would bring about a “Cultural Revolution” type uprising to sweep away conservatives.

    But if he had any truck with reality, he wouldn’t be a Leftist, now would he?

  5. And just one more thing…

    As far as setting himself up as dictator, let’s face it- the kid just doesn’t have what it takes. One reason is that you need a lot of people with a lot of guns to enforce your decisions, and he hasn’t exactly made great strides in that direction, has he?

    But the biggest reason is that he’s a slacker. Look at it this way- how many golf outings did Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot go on?

  6. It is so disheartening to discover saying, "It's all George Bush's fault," over and over isn't a magic spell that makes all problems go away.
    The animal farm media convinced the easily-fooled to elect a flyweight who couldn't be anything but the Figurehead of the United States.
    And he's a poor one, at that.

  7. The American people elected a child.

    Tried to warn 'em I did.

  8. Unfortunately, your "Underpants Gnomes" analogy is far too appropriate. Fits like a glove.

    WTF did folks think would happen when the hippies finally got control of the working branches of government? Nothing that would smell good or last beyond a mediocre group guitar jam, that's for sure.

  9. It's true all right.

    The man is a figment of mass imagination.

    The only thing that hoping for changey did was delay by four miserable years the bitter Reaganesque medicine that was required in 2008 to heal and recuperate from some major fuckups of the prior occupant of that office and his handlers - most notably the sickening waste of resources in Iraq.

    But proving once again that perception is at least temporarily reality, 51% of the electorate decided that believing in a fantasy would magically fulfill it. Now they're finding otherwise and they want to jump ship? Imagine that.

    I don't know where we would be right now if the 'pubs had kept the potus chair in '08; McCain ain't Reagan. But I can't imagine a he would have the deer-in-the-headlights look of confusion and fear that the One was wearing on his recent tour, and that the rest of the world takes as weakness and impotence, and they are right.

    I surely don't "hope" for it, but "change"; convulsing and maybe even catastrophic change, is a real possibility before - or if - we recover this time.


  10. Woodsman - only if you have five p..never mind.

    Consider this: At some point the US Navy will be compelled to name an aircraft carrier after Mr. Hopey Changey. That will be a little awkward, I think.


  11. Hate to make the comparison, but McCain and Dole were rather obviously not the guys to challenge youthful candidates. If the Republicans (spit) want to win, youth and vigor will be required. Perhaps not now, but I think before 2016, we are going to be looking at a third party that is conservative by charter. The Repubs ain't it.

    Al T.

  12. It turns out that being POTUS is a lot of work. Needs a lot of experience. Demands a lot of respect. Needs you to make unpopular decisions.

    Put down the Blackberry and quit chatting with your Hollywood pals and get to work.

  13. Anon @ 7:17: When you have prominent GOP Governors (Pawlenty) making not-even-remotely-subtle statements about 2012 being the Year Of The Third Party, I think we'll see the GOP either wise up or go toes up, soon.

    WV: frosh. Heh. The GOP frosh class...

  14. Tam, concerning da mayoral race; I dont get to vote as I'm outside of Mordor (Tho still under the darkened clouds in crook county) but I will be sitting on the front lawn, eating popcorn, watching the drama unfold. It's gonna get good!

  15. I doubt we'd see an aircraft carrier named after Obumbler. A garbage scow, now we're talkin'!

    Nah, couldn't be that, either. A garbage scow is a useful vessel.

    Maybe they can name a target sled the USS Obama. How much you wanna bet the gunners' hit percentages would "necessarily skyrocket" !?

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  16. Give it a few more weeks and Dear Leader will be communicating through sock puppets.

  17. Jim,
    I'm thinking they could rename one of the old ones that is heading for reef creation duty, just before they tow it out and pull the plug. It would be most appropriate, the "ss hopey-changey, on a three hour tour"...

  18. The dispatches were certainly a fun read. They do, however, seem constructed as a complete work of political fiction. The "conversations" don't read like real transcripted conversations.
    On a different track, while not political, I think the biggest scandal is that Bill Ayers ghost wrote the Gnome's first autobiography.


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