Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Quote of the Day: Monster Edition.

Larry Correia has an "interview" on his blog with some of the principals of Monster Hunter International, including this gem from Julie Shackleford:
Listen, girls. I know you like that whole ‘bad-boy-but-I-can-change-him’ thing, but real life vampires aren’t sensitive, they aren’t sparkly, and they don’t want to be your boyfriend. They want to eat you. Sucking your blood is not a euphemism, they literally want to suck your blood… out of your body. You kind of need that to, oh, not die...

Vampires love you about as much as you love a Big Mac, honey. Deal with it.
Go read it, if you're someplace you won't get in trouble for laughing out loud.


  1. Read both his MHI books and I love'em.


  2. My only complaint about the MH series is that they read too fast, and Larry writes too slow.

    And that they're not movies...no, I take that back. With 'The Walking Dead' on now, that they're not a TV series.

    And that there's not a video game. (I tried Legendary. Meh.)

  3. Tam, you are SO not going to like having this pointed out: it is princiPALS, not principLES.


  4. Sorry, Basil. Tam used the word properly.

    PrinciPLES are a personal or specific basis of conduct or management.

    PrinciPALS are the head honcho of your high school.

  5. Nope, I meant "principals", as in "principal characters."

    I knew it, but my fingers happily supplied the homonym. Y'know, before I learned to touch type, that never happened to me...

    I'm off to fix it.

  6. nbc - Got both of them, and the (terribly limited) DLC for the consoles. Great fun, best zombie games ever.

    The Nazi Zombie parts of the upcoming Call of Duty have me intrigued, too...

  7. Still chuckling over here...it reads like an alternate-dimension Muppet Show script (which is high praise).

  8. My teen daughter was very disappointed in the Twilight vampire movie because of that very reason. In the book, the girl smelled delicious to the vampire, and that was the basis for his attraction to her. Somehow this got lost in the movie version.

    Smellovision,wherefore art thou?

  9. Jeez - I can't walk into a book store (at least not the big chains) without having to run the gauntlet of vampire shit. Not just the sparkly emo vampire novels and movies crap, but frickin' vampire calendars and cook books and quotes of the day and posters and pen and pencil sets.

    Okay, I suppose I get the whole ultimate bad boy thing. I mean, sure you could bring home some thug in a pony tail, leather jacket, tats and a Harley and piss off your parents. How much better would it be to say, "Dad, this is Viktor, he's one of the undead."

    But then there's that whole sucking your blood thing. Deal breaker. Heck, some of us have exes we call that, but it's just an expression. What would you do if it weren't?

  10. Ya know, it was bad enough when all you needed was a shotgun to keep the suitors in line. Now it seems like you need wooden stakes, garlic, bearded axes, swords, and wolfbane to keep ahead of the bad boy curve.


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