Tuesday, November 09, 2010

QotD: What is best in life? Edition

From Alan:
If you need a grief counselor because you lost an election then perhaps politics isn’t your thing. Maybe you can coach those soccer games where everyone wins?
"...and to hear the lamentation of their women!"

Seriously, is there any wine as sweet as the tears of a hippie?


  1. If I ever start homebrewing, I should call my best beer "Hippie Tears." My best vintage of wine already has its name picked out for it: "Old Chicago Cop." It's ruddy, has a hell of a nose and will knock you flat on your ass if you look at it funny.

  2. Ted Rall is coming for violent revolution.

    He that calls for blood will never spill his own.

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. Seriously, is there any wine as sweet as the tears of a hippie?

    The sounds of congresscritter spines snapping.

  4. Actually, shouldn't we feel for the poor benighted creatures? They did everything right, said all the right things, and the election was stolen from them by someone who got to the polls all those mindless sister marrying cretinoids from the flyover states, where they pretended they were people or something.

    You know, the thought that there are actually meat eating, mouth breathing thugs waiting there, just outside the city limits, makes me so nervous I'm afraid I'll spill my latte.

    NOT!!! :-)

  5. I find Teddy Rall's call for armed revolution to be absolutely hilarious.
    And what are you and yours have to actually revolt with, pray tell? Bad breath? Harsh language? Feather duster?
    In Teddy Boy's case, probably really, really bad artwork.

  6. People that need counseling for something that minor don't need to be in elected office anyway.

  7. "It's not fair! They scored more points! waaaah"

  8. Listening to "thunderstruck" from ACDC (LOUD) when I came by for my daily read the TVFTP... Saw the QOTD... Can't wipe the grin off my face!

    I LOVE our side!



  9. Oh, yeah let me add one more tidbit of joy.

    Heard on NPR this morning that the left is lamenting the fact that this Jan will mark the first time in SIXTY YEARS that a kennedy will NOT be in office in DC....

    And the hits just keep on commin'



  10. The hippies I know don't seem to be particularly concerned.

    The real sore losers are the academics - who are absolutely outraged that twenty hard years of two hours a week in the classroom: plus whatever time they put in "doing research" that no one can replicate; does not lead to 35 or more years of retirement on full pay.

    Brimstone and vitriol does not begin to describe their ire. One would think someone snatched a chair from under them at a dinner party. Or dinnah pahty.


  11. If you need a grief counselor for that, well, YOU'VE BEEN THERE TOO DAMN LONG!



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