Saturday, November 06, 2010

What a coincidence...

I'm sitting here at the airport and checking my email on my Eee.

I just got one from my dad. He forwarded me a piece that had been forwarded to him, about Reason and Force and "Why The Gun Is Civilization"...

I emailed him back and told him that, in a stroke of coincidence, I had just left Major Caudill's house. :)


  1. Or, did you leave James Harington and Algernon Sidney's (Lord Coke, Blackstone, Locke, inter alia) house?

    *twilight zone music*

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. No, I'm pretty sure that the essay in question had been written by Marko and incorrectly attributed to Major Caudill.

  3. So which version of WTGIC? That should clear up authorship.

    Have a safe trip home, Tam. Hopefully your fatter pipe will up the output.


  4. I totally spaced the Marko trip. Now what do I do with all these dark chocolate eclairs??

  5. AT: All versions of that were poorly edited thefts of Marco Kloos' essay.

    Some version have the Gay cooties removed, is all.

  6. Well hell, now we have to contend with that Major Plagiar AND sumdood name of Marco. Little tongue in cheek there, Kristopher.


  7. Darn, Phlegmmy beat me to it. :-(

  8. "Hopefully your fatter pipe will up the output." :O)

    Forgot the smiley before. I'll actually settle for whatever out you put.


  9. Brigid!

    TAM'S HOME!!!! Pls send eclairs.

  10. Sorry AT ... can't get tone of voice clues easily from bare text.

  11. No problem, K-man. I have many flaws, but subtlety ain't one of 'em, so the "clues" are there...

    But it might be easier just to assume ironic humor along with the pessimism, contrarianism (says Tam), and libertarianism in most of what I write/say/think/do.


  12. I've corrected the source via the "reply all" option when I got a similar e-mail (the ONLY time I have used that option), as well as correcting it in the comments of a Slashdot thread. Perhaps one day, Marko will get the proper credit for it that he so richly deserves.


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