Thursday, December 09, 2010


I just spent the time which I otherwise would have used in composing the morning's post cleaning out the copypasta of some godawful spam sweatshop. I wonder how many times those poor schlubs have to decode a capcha and hit "ctrl+v" to make a penny? I know this drone was rocking a 3-spams-per-minute clip. Anyway...

When I discovered a bunch of heathen Chinese WoW gold farmers spamming old comments and some kids using the comments section of an old post as an impromptu BBS, I reluctantly turned on comment approval for posts older than a couple days. I really, really don't want to turn it on for all posts, because it makes it too hard to hold interactive discussions, and I also don't want to mess with some third-party comment app, because those are nothing but drama from what I can see.

Generally Blogger's new spam detection system is pretty good, and errs on the side of caution; I find myself scooping legitimate comments out of the filters once or twice a week. How it missed this spammer (who went by the ever-so-subtle handle of "wedding dresses" and sported four links in a two sentence post) is beyond me.


  1. Heh! The many wonders of the 'net.

  2. Just wait for the "Do Not Track" registry for internet usage. It's like the "Do Not Call" list, except more useful for hackers.

  3. ZOMG Tam is oppressing us! Help! Help! We're being repressed!

    Heh. I struggled with adding the word verification to my comments for the same reason...

  4. Wow, that makes me feel better. I was SURE I hit post on a comment about ammo a couple days back, but it disapeared. Now it's back. If I'm losing my mind, I want to know, so I can do a lot of wildly innapropriate things.

  5. Ok, I wasn't even going to comment, except, ironically, the captcha word I got was just too awesome to pass up.

    WV: "stenzyme" -- Substance produced in a gland surgically inserted into ATF agents upon hire that makes them despise civilian NFA ownership.

  6. Now we see the violence inherent in the system!

  7. All the ones I have to clean out are in Russian; no Chinese spammers yet.

  8. All my spam has been of the "heynicepost HERE'S A LINK TO MY WEBSITE PLEASE LINK BACK" kind.

    Drops the red curtain of rage every time. I think I'd prefer the Chinese watch sellers.

  9. ever-so-subtle handle of "wedding dresses"

    What? No viagra, ciallis, pron or fake Rolex?

    My friend, I you need contact me. Am former the finance minister Nigeria.

    Great blog, you should read mine....

  10. I run my own servers so I can do things others can't---like blocking all IP addresses out of China, NorK, and a few other places. Also some domain names like Hinet.

    WV: actism Really!?

  11. This is my sad face. We don't even get spam in the comments......

    WV: table

    Really? I demand something more creative and harder!

  12. Who'd athunk you'd consider comments about "wedding dresses" to be spam?

  13. That Chinese spam is pretty darned annoying. And of course, they always hit the blog posts with the highest readership. I wonder if that factors into SiteMeter stats?


    Basically, the brains behind the spamming outfits work to find word salads which get them past the spam filters.

    Word Verification: puckho, a chick who *REALLY* likes hockey.


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