Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Enjoying the warmth...

I want to bask in the balmy 7° air, because tonight it's supposed to get down to 2°F. (That's almost seventeen below zero in French degrees.)

I would like to note my strenuous objections to these temperatures.


  1. Hey, at least you don't have to shovel cold.

  2. Thats at least 72 above according the the Gorebal Warming logicians!!
    So buck up kiddees and listen to your betters!!!

  3. Moving south to escape it ain't gonna help. Was in the low teens this AM here and I hear FL ain't doin' much better till you get to the Keys.


  4. I'm an hour's drive north of Orlando, and it's 28 degrees here at 8:20. That may sound warm to you right now, but for us it's frighteningly cold. We don't deal well with this as a rule.

    I'm going to have to see if I still own something with long sleeves... it's chilly out there.

  5. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to overrule the objection. You folks, once again, caused this white powdery stuff to float south and it landed in my yard. No heat for you!

  6. Feh, I like this weather. No bugs, humidity not noticeable. Good excuse to stay indoors, drink plenty of liquids like Mulled wine and similar ilk, eat heaty foods, and cuddle up with my snookums under a poofy duvet.

  7. I woke up to 5 degrees with a wind chill of 15 below - and frozen pipes, even though I left the water dripping last night.

    This weather sucks.

  8. Don't worry. "French" degrees and "American" degrees are the same...at minus 40. I've seen that a few times in Minnesota.

  9. That's almost seventeen below zero in French degrees.)

    If it makes you feel warmer its 253 degrees Kelvin.

    I didn't think so.


  10. do your strenuous objections travel farther in the cold clean air?

  11. Og: Lucky for me and my godmother, the guy across the street believes in the "hard work never killed anyone, so go help the neighbors" school of child-rearing. Half the time the driveway's been cleared before I can even get to the shovel.

  12. 22 real degrees in actual France.

    I agree with anon, even though I am sans une snooqume.

  13. I disagree with anon. Cozy weather is 35 - 40, not this crap.

  14. I personally live and work indoors in heated buildings and just try to ignore this weather until winter passes in Ohio, sometime around May...

  15. After a year of non-stop equitorial summer, the idea of temps under 70 Brit degrees (I'm in the Commonwealth after all) is very appealing.
    Then again, the idea of snorkeling on Christmas day is also appealing.

  16. We got flannel bedsheets finally. That's a good thing, because in my neck of Wisconsin, the digital readout on my alarm clock said it was 68 degrees in the bedroom, -6 degrees on the front porch.

  17. do your strenuous objections travel farther in the cold clean air?

    I don't know about distance, but they do travel slower in cold air.

  18. Time to flip the thermometer over to Rankine. Heat Wave !!!!!!

  19. Hell, woman! It's down to the low thirties (that's Fahenheit, or normal degrees) here in southern Flourdough, and mah kitteh and I don't like it one bit, seeing that our blood got thin, so to speak. Owhell, maybe it'll knock the insects back, a bit.

    The WV was nothing special. I am disappointed.

  20. Mid 70's here in Texas today.


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