Sunday, December 19, 2010

The festive time of year.

Judging by the tire tracks in the snow, somebody in Broad Ripple last night thought that the well-shoveled sidewalks made a much better path for their pick-'em-up truck than the snow-covered street.

Without even needing a breathalyzer or a blood draw, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that a few pints of tonsil polish were involved in that particular decision tree.


  1. Are you sure it just wasn't IMPD on their nightly patrol?


  2. That was my first guess, but there's too much ground clearance for a Crown Vic.

  3. Where's the pictures? I'm always up for a few good pix of idiots in action - as an object lesson for the kids if nothing else.

  4. "Tonsil Polish"

    Been awhile since I heard that one.


  5. Send pics to the "One-term Mayor", aka, Him What Won't Plow Residential Streets...

  6. The devils egg nog has led many a good man down the wrong path/sidewalk.


  7. "Hold my beer and watch this!"

  8. Dang, Revolver Rob channeled my thoughts. With IMPD's record lately, one couldn't help but have that thought initially. Tam, you sure that they don't use any SUV's? we have a few on the street here.

  9. If they were indeed pickup truck tracks, they might have been inadvertent or even done for reasons of public safety.

    My Silverado drives like a surprised tadpole when the road has ice on it. Fortunately that's about one or two days every 3 years down here in Texas.

  10. yep, definitely needs a pic ...


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