Friday, December 10, 2010

Overheard in the Kitchen:

RX: "The new cat is a bacon hound. He just had to sit around in the kitchen when the bacon came out, staring and sniffing."

Me: "That's because it came into the house with the shrimp yesterday. It was just a bag of wondrous smells, and he sat there sniffing and sniffing."

RX: "'Bag of Wondrous Smells', coincidentally, was Joe Biden's college nickname."

Me: "It'd make a great album title, wouldn't it? 'Jumbo Lunchbox and their debut album, Bag of Wondrous Smells!'"


  1. "You find a +1 mace and a Bag of Wondrous Smells..."

  2. Well, I'm pretty sure Joe Biden's college nickname included the word "bag" anyway.

  3. I am really glad I wasn't drinking my morning coffee when I read this. Blowing hot java out of my nose is not my idea of a morning wake up!!

  4. I understand that you should use a fairly heavy bullet to deal with Bacon that is still staring and sniffing. And I submit that if there's bacon on the hoof in Roseholme, then Huck's probably going to try to evade... ;-)

  5. "'Bag of Wondrous Smells', coincidentally, was Joe Biden's college nickname."

    Aaaaaand Bobbi proves that it's never too early for Everclear. BRAIN BLEACH AHOY!

  6. I'm just plain amazed that two women have such entertaining conversations.

    All my wife does is yell and argue about whatever topic's at hand; no imagination allowed.

  7. Might I suggest you start recording your conversations? You could do something along the lines of what this woman does:

    Think of the t-shirt revenue alone!
    I'm serious, woman!

    BTW, why no background on the new kitty? Too early in the probationary period?

    wv: ulictor. New kitty's name?

  8. A big old grin on reading this one:)


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