Monday, December 20, 2010

There is a crack in everything...

So there's a total lunar eclipse on the night of the winter solstice for the first time in nearly half a millennium, perhaps to commemorate Sunday night's Senate shenanigans. It'll be the darkest night in 456 years, and naturally the folks who natter about the spiritual origins of polyamory backstage at every RenFest are in a tizzy.

Me? I'll commemorate the occasion by beating a hippie senseless with a golden bough...


  1. Need a warning for the snark. Almost spit water all over my monitor.

  2. I hope our boys in Afghanistan put such an opportunity to good use.

  3. So are the tears of a hippie sweeter when collected in the darkness of the moon?

  4. There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact, it's all dark...

  5. I am soooo glad I swallowed my coffee before reading this.....

    That celebration idea is so getting um, borrowed.....

  6. Wouldn't the darkest nights be the winter solstice on a new moon? Hell, this one's a full moon, only quaintly dimmed.

  7. Ditto on Midwest Chick, Tam. I got a real good visual of you tromping a tie-dyed, bearded one with a golden bough. Shot cocoa out my nose.

  8. "Me? I'll commemorate the occasion by beating a hippie senseless with a golden bough..."

    While drinking at least one adult beverage I hope.

  9. As I warned at Roberta's, have your night vision scopes and silver bullets at the ready: This is the "Best Used On..." date for most ISO Standard Eldritch Tomes of Forbidden Lore or Artifacts of DOOOOM!

    Or have I read too much Lovecraft/ Correia?

  10. I was just sad that it was overcast here. No cool moon stuff for me.

  11. Speaking of Hippies: there IS crack in everything.

  12. Yes, there is a crack in everything.

    That's how the light gets in.

    As for me, I'll ring the bells that still can ring.

    Merry Christmas,

    LC and the Tam Fan

  13. And man, I almost forgot the great apocryphal story of the solar eclipse during Pennsic.

    The story goes that as the sun was being eaten a Herald started crying the camp:

    "Ragnorak in 15 minutes. Armor inspection in 5."

    SCADIAN's will get it...

    Trebor (Just Trebor for this one...)

  14. How about an I club hippies tee shirt while you pummel? Also available as a Hoodie.

  15. As an elderly unidentified lady of British origin once said: "Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light."

    cap'n chumbucket

  16. I'e got to wipe about one half ounce of perfectly good Knob creek off my keyboard, thanks.

  17. Awe...Knob Creek. That was a loss.

    WV: falsome. Like the prison?

  18. One thing there wasn't a crack in was the cloud cover last night. :(

  19. Meanwhile in South Africa it's 30+ degrees (C) and the summer solstice. Callooh Callay and break out the beer.

  20. It snowed all night here in SLC, also. Still snowing...

    Word Verification: exerboo
    Some new kind of aerobics?

  21. Clear skies last night, Tam. While watching Fenris chow down was cool, the period of totality sucked -- it was just a dim muddy smear.

    I was hoping for blood red eldrich light glistening on the snow cover (which had a nice glazed crust to boot!), chanting down in teh hollow below my street, Mr. Trash Bags going out for a 3am stroll. . .

    WV: "unlect" What happened to Pelosi's majority and Obama's "legasy". . .

  22. Just remember, "Spare the bough, spoil the hippie".

  23. I saw it, the clouds weren't too bad until the mid-point. Like every other gunblogger with a spotting scope I took pictures. I could see it full-dark with the infra-red on the camera's night-setting, but it came-out all blurry in pics.


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