Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another senseless snowplow murder.

Barefoot crazy guy goes on a rampage in Canada. With a snowplow.

This just goes to show that when snowplows are outlawed, only outlaws will have snowplows. Or something like that.


  1. They have the Tea Party in Canada?

    Damn that George Bush!


  2. Maybe we should ban high capacity snow plows?

  3. Or maybe keep them 1000 feet away from a Federal Building.

  4. Koolookookookoo! Koolookookookoo! Take off ya hoser!

  5. He killed a police officer. Hardly a laughing matter.

  6. "He killed a police officer. Hardly a laughing matter."

    That's nothing; a few posts down I'm making fun of a gunshot victim lying in her hospital bed...

  7. Snow?!!!??!!

    That murderous Sarah Palin is getting more and more obvious, isn't she? Is as though she isn't bothering to cover her tracks anymore!

  8. Following the lines of Tango Juliet, if it'd been a beer truck he wouldn't have crashed it. eh?

    Anon 9:02, calm down. I am a near-retirement LEO and don't get offended here but do get a good giggle now & then...or at least a profound "WTF?" to polish the gray matter.

  9. I am sorry if I came across as rude or stuffy, that was not my intent.

    I live very close to where he was killed and seeing constant images of him and his family everwhere have hit a nerve. I just can't see the humour in this, it's too close to home.

  10. Sorry about that, Anonymous. I was making fun of the politicians, is all - not the death of the police officer.

  11. "He killed a police officer."

    Lets make a deal; I'll stop making fun of weasels who use murder as a cheap political opportunity as soon the weasels who use murder as a cheap political opportunity stop being weasels who use murder as a cheap political opportunity.

    If our rights weren't attacked, we we’d never, ever have to defend them. We’d never be making fun of idiots who attack our rights, because there wouldn’t be any idiots attacking our rights. See how that works?

    Now where was I? Oh yeah; all we need to do is limit the fuel tank capacity of snowplows to ten gallons. Then we'll all be totally safe from these senseless crimes forever. -- Lyle

  12. You're absolutely correct, Lyle, there is no reason for these dangerous high capacity fuel tanks to be available on these vehicles.

    And don't get me started on bayonet lugs and pistol grips.


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