Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fuzzy around the edges.

I tried to set the internal alarm clock last night (that's where you drink a big, tall glass of water right before bed) but it backfired on me and I woke up at 0200 or so and couldn't get back to sleep until 4:30... just in time for the actual alarms to go off at 5AM.

Went downtown and had breakfast with Shootin' Buddy and now I'm home and feeling the effects of sleep dep. I can see the music. At least today's posts will be interesting to come back and read later...


  1. I can see the music.

    Hmm, where have I heard words to that effect?

  2. Well, I heard it from Lisa Simpson. :)

  3. I call that a doughnut night. A night with a hole in the middle.

  4. Sounds like an average night for me. I've been sleep deprived for so many years that I've actually begun to think that I'm sane.

  5. Not to keep pounding on the same bent nail, but if you'd just marry the guy that whole get up early and have breakfast together impulse would disappear in my experience.

    My recollection of the interrupted sleep thing is rather inconsistent on the whole. Might be a bit of a wash in that regard.

  6. I knew I had to pull over and get some sleep when the the car gauges started blinking. No, not flashing on and off. Blinking like eyes. Yup, time to pull off and nap. The nice trooper who woke me up to tell me "No overnight parking in rest stop." was more that obliging when I told him I'd rather he ticket me than have to find my next of kin. No ticket and a recommendation for breakfast.

  7. Sominex (Sleeping pill) does help, Tam. Thats the one I've used for years. Seems to be the best for me, at least.

    The downside is that the brain works at around sevnty-five to eighty percent for the rest of the day.

    But, you will get your sleep. :)

  8. My kidneys hate me too, and are determined to prevent me from sleeping no matter what.

    I guess they deserve their revenge upon me.


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