Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I have a better idea...

Insty brings the details on the proposed legislation that would make it illegal to bring firearms within 1,000 feet of important federal officials. It's a good thing this rule wasn't in effect in 1776, or Washington would have had to paddle that boat across the Delaware all by himself, and the painting would have looked kind of goofy.

I have a better idea: Let's make it illegal for important federal officials to come within a thousand feet of decent people. Failing that, maybe we can make them wear some kind of distinctive garment and carry a bell so we know where they are and can stay away.

(H/T to Sebastian.)


  1. How about we put them all in a palace with a moat around it to keep the peasants away. They can play like they are royalty and have their own special treatment.

    Didn't we fight a bloody independence to get away from that shit?

  2. Well, let's look for that silver lining: if we the people continue to assert our right to go any damn where we please, they can either kill us all, or they can barricade themselves into their castles and stay there. Once we've got them "locked in", we can then place them into quarantine and ignore them even harder.

  3. Interesting the reference Dianne Feinstein's "no guns within 1000 yards of a school" law.

    Was that one stricken down by SCOTUS? I seem to remember her spewing venom about that in the Roberts confirmation hearings.

    Whether in force or no, obviously a dumb reaction to school shootings.

    A good question to ask on "let's have another law to make this bad thing illegal" type laws is, "Has it ever been the case that some bad guy did this bad thing, got caught, and had to be released because he hadn't done anything illegal?"

    I'm pretty sure the guy who did the AZ shooting must have broken at least one law that they can charge him with.

    People who propose these kind of idiot laws do not understand what laws are for. Laws don't guarantee that nothing illegal will ever happen. They simply provide the paperwork to punish people after they've done something illegal.

  4. I was thinking along the same lines. Attach an unremovable stainless steel collar to politicians. Hang from it a large box with a speak that blares an alarm at 130 decibels and loops every 10 seconds: "BWOOOOOP! BWOOOOOOP! Caution! Anointed elite present! All peasants stay 1000 feet away! BWOOOOP! BWOOOOOOOOOOOP!"

    That would be grand.

    I'm not a monster. I would have the device turn off when the said anointed better is in their bedroom.

  5. Next it will be no protest signs within 1000 feet. No free speech within 1000 feet.

  6. Today Washington would be cited for failing to wear a life vest, no navigation light visible in the dark and not having boat registration numbers visible on his boat. NJ State Police Marine Division are very tough and being from Virgina is not an excuse.


  7. If they barricaded themselves behind walls, it wouldn't be long before the proles would trebucheting plague-ridden carcasses over the wall.

    wv=kocki No, I'm just confident.

  8. "If they barricaded themselves behind walls, it wouldn't be long before the proles would trebucheting plague-ridden carcasses over the wall."

    Your are so correct, even zombies have to eat.

  9. Yep, it they have to have that 1000ft gun free zone we think know two things.

    There will be a 1000ft victim rich area.

    It will be a place to avoid for personal safety reasons for the rest of us.

    For it to be effective on a serious level they would have to announce it in advance. If I were a ruling elite
    I'd not want that information widely disseminated as I may be a target and constant advertising my position is full of stupid! But hey if they want to be a better target its their choice.


  10. Did anyone tell them that it is already a felony to shoot politicians?

    Only thing I can figure is the sponsor of this law wants to make it easier to shoot politicians and get away with it.

  11. I've heard that before. I think it was called "mortaring the Green Zone".

  12. Pure fantasy. "Important federal official" is an oxymoron.

  13. Re Peter King: You can take the Boy out of Tamney Hall.... By the way, How's that OTHER 100 year Anniversary working for you up in NYC? You know, the Sullivan Laws? The ones designed by crooked politicians to keep themselves from being shot by other crooked politicians? Nobody murdered in Manhattan since they were passed, correct?

    What torques me off is that this guy is supposed to be a "Conservative" and is also high up in the New Republican Congress.

  14. Well, he's as "conservative" as you get in New Yawk, I guess. In other words, a RINO to the rest of us.

  15. How about this idea:

    Make it MANDATORY to come openly armed within 1000 feet of our elected representatives, from the Prez on down? Any nut job who would attack would suffer a serious case of dead.

    Try it out first in CALIFORNIA, please!

    Ulises from CA

  16. Anon 3:10

    That is just what I blogged. At least in a post to my own blog...

    "If a congress person wants more protection at a public event, then we need more people like Joe the Protector.

    You want to be secure at an event? Encourage more CCW holders to show up at your rally. Reach out to the CCW holder, be fair, and you will be protected."

  17. "...maybe we can make them wear some kind of distinctive garment... "

    I'm gonna go with Dunce Cap.

  18. The really stupid thing about that piece of legislation is that even if you assume the law will create a magic gun-repelling force field around politicians, 1000 feet is still an easy shot for a guy with a rifle. That's what, 333.3 yards? People make shots on prairie dogs from further distances than that all time.

  19. Those of us inthe Washington D.C. area will be hard pressed to deal with such a law (if it had a chance in Hell of passing). We see Congressmen at the movie theater, the mall, even the grocery store. They often even deign to purchase property within 1,000' of mere commoners. Will the entire Capitol Area become a giant "Gun Free Zone" for the artificial safety of the political elite?

    And will they come magically breathe life back into my wife if she's killed by a home invader after we've been disarmed "for the protection of Congress?" I'm guessing no.

    King is your last name, not your birthright you jackweasel.

    I'm guessing Rep King's office received a number of very angry calls from fellow Repbus since this whole idiocy began.

  20. Rob said: "That's what, 333.3 yards? People make shots on prairie dogs from further distances than that all time."

    But in fairness, prairie dogs have twice the brain size and five times the heart of your typical politician...

  21. I think the better idea it to prohibit any legislation from being introduced within 30 days of a tragic event such as this.

    When introduced, there shall be no press conference announcing it.

    Hey, they love "cooling off periods" so much...

  22. I nominate Todd G to win the Internet today.


  23. I CONFESS!

    That's my Congressbeing and I'm embarrassed to have to say that I voted for him.

    On the other hand, the alternative was voting for a Democrat.

  24. Now see, my thought was just the opposite. Make it a condition of a congress critter's service that he/she be required to carry their own handgun and prove via a firearms training course certificate that they know how to use it to protect themselves and their constituents. That'll thin the herd of potential critters without blood shed and make them appreciate the responsibility that goes with handgun ownership.

  25. keep politicians away from decent people. 1000 feet is about right. That should protect us. Further, there are two technologies that should be banned to politicians. Guns and microphones.

  26. They should pass a law making it illegal for a congress person to come within 1000ft of a gun. Same basic law but much more beneficial to us.


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