Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mea culpa.

Sorry for the lack of posting Saturday, but yesterday was Internets Sabbatical Day for me.

I have to confess that I have not been making use of my Happy Sunshine UV Lamp like I should have been, and as a result the level of depression and lethargy I've been suffering of late has been hovering somewhere between "crushing" and "clinical".

Yesterday I tried to spend some time outside, and this morning I washed my multivitamin down with V8 and clicked on the synthetic sunshine; this funk has got to lift, because whimpering under a blanket is no way to spend your afternoons.


  1. *"...whimpering under a blanket is no way to spend your afternoons. "*

    Oh I don't know...I can think of a situation or two where such would be QUITE the enjoyable way to spend an entire afternoon. I guess it all depends on what's making you whimper.

    I'm not much for the prayer thing, but I'll send whatever good vibes* I have your way for both you and RX to be feeling better soon.

    (*No pun intended....except for this one)

  2. Sunny and mild in the desert. Highs running in their usual 70-to-80 range, now that winter's mostly done with.

    Each Tuesday morning is Schutzenfest day, next door at the JP's house. At my house, of course, it's whenever you feel like it.

    The GhostTown porch is still the intellectual center of the universe, where more problems are addressed from less data than anywhere this side of the US Congress.

  3. Look on the bright side Tam. They are predicting another major winter storm for our neck of the nape. Northern IL could see 18 inches. Isn't that cheery?!?

  4. Rest assured, Tam, that it'll get better. Meanwhile, we realize that a post from you with the blahs is still better than 99% of the rest of the stuff on the web. When you get back, we'll be here.

  5. Amen Tam ... between the 101 temp. I'm running and the clinical depression that the meds are barely touching lately, I've hardly been vertical in the past 4 days.

    But then again I don't have to haul my ass outta bed at 8 during the week, call the office and explain to a skeptical boss why I'm not coming in, all while trying not toss my cookies in the bathroom .. Yeah, so that's something.

  6. I'm not sure what radioactive source my mother was near or chemical she ingested during my gestation, but I love winter. No blahs or depression from the gray skies and white blankets. For me, the cold, wet rain of early spring or shitty winter ice storm are the worst, followed closely by the oppressive heat and humidity of August.
    I'm positively giddy at the possibility of the snow amounts they're predicting for parts north of Roseholme.

    For your situation, I suggest massive quantities of spent brass at the range, followed by Brigid's cookies. (The Zed is nearly helpless in winter muck, so you can't go play in it like I do with my Jeep.)

  7. +1 on the range day.

    Nothing like making noise and and the smell of gun oil to bring a smile to the average gunny.


  8. What Inbredredneck said.

    Plus there's more sunshine today than yesterday, and more tomorrow, whether the clouds are in the way or not.

  9. Grey and wet here in the middle of Cal.
    My bud and I will be at the trap club by 9am to kill those pesky clay zombies.
    Try to hitch a ride on the next snow plow and get some recoil.

  10. Well, you could be a snowbird...

    Been in Fla since I was a tot, so in general and for many reasons but primarily because everything gets old and the grass is always greener and I'm bored shitless...I'm sick of it.

    But lately it's been about 70 for a high and 50 for a low with clear blue skies in the day and bright starry nights. So yeah I can see the attraction for the swarms of q-tips...not that you're a q-tip quite yet, but you can do the unemployed bum/scintillating blogstress thing from anywhere.

    So yeah, come on down; it would be hard for any but a jaded complaining lump like me to not be reinvigorated by these surroundings. Might help, and that would in turn please us out here who have become addicted to that crack you call snark.


  11. Best solution I've found is to draw and dry-fire favorite handgun many times. Lifts that funk right up.

  12. As someone who didn't know that he suffered from seasonal affective disorder until he left Central NY (300 days clouds, 200" snow per year), I can identify.

    Think about some kind of activity to get the endorphins flowing. Even in sunnier climes, I tend toward morbid funk unless I am doing some kind of exercise, unpleasant as it may be at the time of execution.

    Keep swinging.

  13. I need to turn up my own electric happy.

  14. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a curse. We never knew that Mrs. Borepatch had it until we moved to Massachusetts. One of the big drivers in our move back south was to get to a winter where she didn't feel so gloomy.

    Yeah, the stupid gun laws are stupid, but the S.A.D. is no joke.

    For what it's worth, we'll all wait until your gumption is re-gumpted.

  15. I hope you feel better today than yesterday!


  16. I spend at least an hour each winter's day being blinded by the sun on the way to whatever job I'm headed to, so I never have much of an issue. I've often thought that having a greenhouse would be very nice in this weather.

  17. I hope you get your S A D behind you. It looks like a major ice storm is coming your way Monday night through Wednesday morning.

    I use natural spectrum light bulbs from Verilux. They seem to keep the winter blues at bay. I get mine from my local Menard's.

  18. I hope you get your SAD under control and +1 to the range day. Today's the last decent day you're going to have to be outdoors for a while.

  19. Those SAD lamps are the shiznatt, ain't they?

  20. "...the level of depression and lethargy I've been suffering of late has been hovering somewhere between "crushing" and "clinical"."

    Hey, that's me...on a good day.

  21. Feel better and take care of yourself. Please.

  22. Having suffered from clinical depression during my life, I know what it can be like. One of the hardest things is to shake it off.
    You are surrounded by people who care about you, and that helps.
    Plus, Brigid's cookies!
    No problem here if you take a day or so off from blogging. Gives the muse a chance to recharge. Plus, even the Snark needs a day off once in a while.

    WV: Stootor

  23. ...whimpering under a blanket is no way to spend your afternoons...

    Oh, I don't know, I guess it depends on who you are under the blanket with...

    Better that than spending Saturday praying to the porcelain goddess due to some unknown, unnamed monster in my lower digestive tract, and then contemplating my navel while sitting on same all Sunday...

    Get well, get happy! We lurvs ya, Tam!

    cap'n chumbucket

  24. Tam,

    Try this: Maybe the cat photo will pick you up some.

    Steve in Houston

  25. Chocolate is a natural anti-depressant. Dark chocolate is better for this than milk chocolate but don't get more than 70% dark as it's quite bitter. After you feel better, go to the range so you can burn off the calories if that's a concern.

  26. I'm gonna take crap for this, but I would be careful about mentioning things like depression in public if you are a gunowner. Even if you live in an area without many restrictions now, I am concerned about the future and how it might effect you.

    No tinfoil beany stuff. But when they start talking about mental health and gunowners I get the feeling that they are looking for any reason that they can find to exclude people.


  27. Yup, Ed, that's a scary thought. Jeff Knox dissuaded me from printing up an "Autistic Gun Nut" t-shirt. (he has admitted to being a bit strange, hisself)

    Hey, I'm really only a half-Aspie! Honest!

  28. When we lived in NY my wife needed the natural spectrum lamp during the winter, it helped quite a lot during those long dreary stretches.

    Now that we're in AZ, not so much though the heat can get to one during the deep of summer. Winter is lovely though.

    Oh, and yeah - cookies.

  29. If photoperiod is enough to direct birds in migration and set plant flowering, ya prolly oughta take it seriously when it's also setting primate mood. Some of us are still fundamentally built for the savannah and never quite fully switched over to temperate-steppes mode.

  30. Yes, Justthisguy, that is my concern. With the Arizona shooting there will be renewed focus on mental issues, although I would expect them to look for any excuse to deny gun rights as opposed to focus on people who really are dangerous. Tens of millions of Americans suffer from depression. If antigunners could take gun rights away from tens of millions of Americans they would call it a start.

  31. Take a look at this and then imagine you are a pirate hunting marine!

  32. "...whimpering under a blanket is no way to spend your afternoons.."

    Now you know how it feels to grow up with the Cleveland Browns as your Hometown Team. Time to check out the Key West Rod and Gun Club for a week or so.

  33. "don't get more than 70% dark as it's quite bitter."

    Quite bitter, my arse!
    Good chocolate doesn't start until somewhere north of 70%!
    (an Indianapolis-based company, no less)

    WV: mardaurr Some women have been known to threaten mardaurr for a bite of chocolate.

  34. Life is short so find a Corona commercial to reside in. JM

  35. A friend of mine is a very well-regarded psychologist. She tells me that Jan/Feb are the two worst months for mental misery.

    Mild doses of the newer,much improved 'scripts like Lexapro can alleviate symptoms, until things are looking better. Helps to keep the agonizing wish ro pull y'rself into a black hole and close the lid after from becoming too attracive a solution.

    And,sunshine and activity and etc. Lots of good advice here,but as descendant of Nordski Dwellers in the Darkness: the symptoms pass with time and Spring.

    Or, you can save a lot of pain and misery for yourself, with a decent script. The newest ones have noticeably less side effects, are cheaper than a trip to the tropics.

    Just sayin'- your mileage and wishes are certainly y'r own. Best of recovery, tho',is my wish for you.

  36. Ring the bells that still can ring
    Forget your perfect offering


    "The GhostTown porch is still the intellectual center of the universe, where more problems are addressed from less data than anywhere this side of the US Congress."

    Let's make a run to Big Bend, friend.


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