Friday, January 28, 2011


Brigid brought over some cookies for my birthday the other day. One thing and another intervening, the ziploc baggie with the cookies in it sat atop the microwave 'til yesterday morning, when I pulled one lonely cookie out and brought it into the office to nibble while typing.

As soon as I finished it, I went back into the kitchen and got all the rest of the cookies out of the bag and carried them back in a double handful and devoured them, too, except for one, which I will make heroic efforts to not eat until lunchtime today. I'm not sure what the primary ingredient was, but I'm thinking it may have been crack cocaine or something with similarly addictive powers, because I want that cookie the way the white rat in that experiment wanted to push the little red bar.


  1. just looking at the food pics at B's place makes me gain weight.

  2. You're just bragging now! You know we all saw the pics of those coffee cookies and wanted them in the worst way.

    The envy is overpowering.

  3. As you you scarf the cookies, so shall the withdrawl drive you mad :-)


  4. global village idiot11:38 AM, January 28, 2011

    "Brigid's Notes: Behavioral conditioning experiment 11-01

    "Day 2: Subject TamK exhibiting predicted behavior when presented with sample specimen...project continues apace..."

  5. My boss's wife uses the same recipie. I'll pick one up on the way from the stockroom to the hangar, and by the time I'm at my toolbox, the cookie is gone and I can't remember what I was doing...

  6. 2 nights ago my wife had the CRT on and it was showing the local SoCal news, and apparently a senorita got arrested b/c her kids had to be hospitalized after eating some cookies that had marijuana in them. She claimed a friend gave them to her and she didn't know.

  7. Were you jonesing something like this?:

  8. "I'm not sure what the primary ingredient was, but I'm thinking it may have been crack cocaine or something with similarly addictive powers..."

    As a baker myself, I can state with confidence that the ingredient that you speak of was BUTTER.

  9. My mom makes Giradelli's Chocolate chip cookies that are to die for! It's hard to stop eating them after the first.

  10. A normal man is not worthy of Brigid... nor could he survive long the incredible vittles.

  11. but he'd die a fat, happy man!

  12. Ah, the first taste is always free.

    wv: verete

    in cookies verete?


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