Saturday, January 01, 2011

Overheard in the Hallway:

RX: "Tofu phở would be faux phở. And if you made it with a poodle, it'd be Fifi phở..."

Me: "...and if you used soy poodle substitute, it'd be faux Fifi phở..."

RX: "Add a splash of Bacardi and you'd have faux Fifi phở rum! And if you didn't like it, you'd say 'Fie, faux Fifi phở rum!'"

And, yes, we're mispronouncing it, but it's not funny unless you do.


  1. You two should be ashamed of yourselves. Punning like that in public ... it ain't natural. Or decent.

  2. You gals need to get out more. Hanging out with the normals a little bit, from time to time, as long as you don't over-do it, can be a steadying influence, I have found.

    Also, I love commas.

  3. You gals need to get out more.

    Doesn't seem to help. They were hanging out with normal people just yesterday, and now this. :)

  4. Groan....

    But witty, so + points.

  5. Nothing wrong with having a bit o'pun...

  6. My sister lives in Austin and, despite it being way out of her way, always goes to Pho King when she wants Vietnamese.

  7. It's not mispronunciation, it's regional accenture, and like moral equivalency, it's as good an any other accenture.

    Pleased to be of assistance.

  8. Something happened on the way to the fie faux fifi forum?


  9. @Joanna...Their hallway is in the PUBLIC! Had I known...

  10. Fey fifi fuh! Try a splash of Stroh 80 and you get fifi-on-flambeaux.

  11. So if I made Pho, and put wan-ton in it... would I have made Pho Tons?

    And if I put the pho-soaked wantons in a long bun, would I have made a Pho Ton Torpedo?


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