Saturday, January 15, 2011

QotD: Horseshoes and hand grenades edition...

Regarding the commentators who described Joe Zarmudio as "almost shooting the wrong guy" because he had his hand on his heater as he ran towards the sound of the guns in Tucson, my roomie quipped:
I wonder if any of them realize that on that basis, they were probably "almost shot" last time they got a speeding ticket? Do they think Officer Friendly always rests his right hand on the butt of his gun?


  1. man, the number of times I've grabbed my nuts at blogmeets- you ladies have NO IDEA how many times you were NEARLY RAPED!!!!

  2. Tam, that is an excellent point... Zarmudio DID do the right thing, in that he surveyed the situation, determined no firing was currently in progress and didn't unholster his pistol. Had firing still been going on, I'd have to believe his actions would have been significantly different.

  3. Og,

    I knew there was a reason I always tried to keep a table between us. :p

  4. lol.

    If there were a correlation between me grabbing my nuts and the frequency of sex, the midwest would be armpit deep in fat, bald, smelly Johnny Cash wannabes. You're pretty safe, really.

    WV: Pousties. What fat bastards wear to cover the nipples of their moobs.

    Proving that you;re in a lot more danger from my imagination than from my wedding tackle.

  5. Speaking of hands on gun butts, way to many officers (at least in my town) seem to think that their pistol butt is there as a convenient hand rest.

    I know if I were waltzing down the sidewalk with my hand on my heater I'd be cuffed and stuffed rather quickly.

  6. The MSM must stick with the "almost shot the wrong guy" angle. To do otherwise would be to admit that there are responsible gun owners out there who can be trusted to carry their firearms in public, who know what it means to use deadly force, and who can evaluate a situation and make the correct decision in a split-second.

    It's worth noting that Joe Zamudio evaluated the situation and made the correct decision after having walked into it absolutely cold, without advance knowledge of the suspect's description.

    According to my calculations, these people were on their own for 8 or 9 minutes before the initial PCSD unit arrived, not 5 minutes or so as the press release timeline indicates.

  7. In the lefty universe, there is no place for individual judgment, just as there is no room for personal responsibility. The fact that anyone, anywhere owns a firearm is prima facie evidence that a senseless shooting is imminent.

    In the lefty universe, handguns leap from gun safes, load themselves, and shoot adorable 4 year old girls.

  8. Doesn't help when og submerges under the table to .... uh ... retrieve a fork.

  9. Y'know, you shouldn't use "Og" and "submerge" in the same sentence right after I have taken a sip of coffee.

  10. I'm in your fair city to see the in-laws and the Indy 1500. If I see a guy grabbing his nuts I'll say hello. From a distance.

  11. Discobobby: You do know there's a BlogMeet tomorrow afternoon, don't you?

  12. RX: Not having a blog, I didn't feel like I was the target audience. But if you'll tolerate a blogless visitor I'd love to put some faces to names. Thank you for mentioning it!

  13. Yeah, they're open to readers. Without writers, we're just scribbling on our own dining room walls. --More than we already do, I mean.

  14. Thanks again for your kind invitation, Mrs. Discobobby and I will be attending. I think she's going to be quite shocked that these bloggers I talk about aren't Wookiesuiters in head to toe camo whispering conspiracy theories to each other. And it may just rock her world that female writers that enjoy the shooting sports exist in the wild. :)

  15. If Joe Zarmudio citizen had been Joe Zarmudio off-duty law enforcement officer, no one would know his name.

    This is just more distraction.

  16. aren't Wookiesuiters in head to toe camo whispering conspiracy theories to each other.

    Wait....what? You mean they aren't?

  17. I shouldn't wear the Blackwater ball cap, then?

  18. To be excoriated by the left for something that never happened is another glance into the prog looking glass. I wonder if the "alternate endings" for movies on some DVDs, have addled the left brains out there. "Horseshoe and hand gernade edition" is a very appropriate title, Tam. Kentucky Jones.

  19. Oops, I meant grenade. KJ

  20. Damn Kaintuck phonics. Got me again. KJ

  21. Tam: I encourage the Blackwater cap. She's a sharp cookie; I don't get to see cognative dissonance on her face very often and I'd like to make the most of it. ;)

  22. That does remind me, though, of the quickest way to spot a (normally-uniformed) cop in civvies: watch how they place their hands on hips. Without fail, cops will stand arms akimbo with their thumbs forward of the hip and fingers pointed down, rather than thumbs aft and fingers pointing forward.

    WV: unceasar - Brutus, I suppose.


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