Thursday, February 10, 2011


The mercury is currently hovering at 0°F out there right now.

I don't care if it makes everyone think I'm some kind of delicate hothouse flower to say it, but that's a lot colder temperature than decent people should have to put up with.

At least you don't have to shovel cold.


  1. I think it got up to 70 here. HAHAHAHA! Sorry for laughing, but it's the one perk we get for living on the giant flacid penis of America (Florida).


  2. "Florida, doh, but Marge, that's America's wang."

    Pffft, 0 degrees, but this weekend it will be in the 40s!

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. > At least you don't have to shovel cold.

    Well, not until it gets a lot

  4. -10. But it's a dry heat.

    40 on sunday, supposedly. I could use some 40.

  5. And every steamy breath condenses into the frozen tears of Al Gore.

  6. Like Stuart said, about 70 yesterday, but it's supposed to dip into the mid 60's over the weekend...

    But we have had a few nice cool snaps in the last month, 30's overnight, 50's for a high.

    So a coupla Canuck q-tips were in my son's store yesterday griping about the cold. When they left, after trying to wheedle a cheaper price on a ring re-sizing (from $20!), I advised them to bundle up and keep warm. Don't know if they got the sarcasm.


  7. -11 and the dogs are staring at me for their morning walk. Dogs have a highly evolved passive-aggressive gene and our two, apparently, came from a good gene pool.

    The high 30s coming this weekend are going to be awesome.

    And thank god cold doesn't need to be shoveled. Between that and the snow this year I'd be dead.

  8. That was yesterday's high, here, hothouse flower.

    *warm hugs*

  9. The home weather station reported -12 Degrees Fondly Fahrenheit this morning, ambient. Winds were calm, so no wind chill lower than ambient.

    The Jeep's starting sequence made some interesting sounds when I went out to warm it up, though. At least it wasn't the sound of brittle components snapping, I guess.

  10. Only -1 out here on the steppes, with 10" of (thankfully) easily shoveled fluff laying around. They are promising the 50s by Monday. Un huh. Riiiiiight.

  11. -22C (-8F or so) What civilized Canadians call "bracing" before strapping on the gear and going for a leisurely stroll.

  12. -11F this morning when I got up. Just lovely. 50 miles north in the town I grew up in they set an all-time low record for the state of -28F. I just love how the global warming groupies, who were saying we could all be permanently packing away our winter gear by now, are saying well, the extreme cold is caused warming. It must be good to have it both ways.

  13. The thermometer in my truck said -14F this morning. In Oklahoma.

  14. I think that if you offered a Quebecois something for free, they would demand an extra discount.

    Meanwhile, it is now 81 degrees out and not humid, so the weather is nicer than summertime.

    Tam, if you ever move to Florida, I don't think you'll find anything much different from the land of Hoosier: same levels of stupidity, same inanities about team sports, even more race cars (Sebring, Daytona, Homestead). However, our local police don't seem to adhere to the Indianopolis views about Policing While Intoxicated. Or maybe they just cover it up better.

  15. My older brother used to say intelligent life can't exist below the freezing point of water.

    I've yet to find a reason to argue with that judgment.

  16. 70 degrees F.
    Please move here so we can boot out the loonies!
    Ulises from CA

  17. I guess that I am beginning to understand the reasons for the northerners offing themselves more in the winter.

    I'm aware of SAG and all, but I must say that for almost the last month, it's been colder than normal 'round these parts. Often MUCH colder. And constantly cold. And windy.

    It's enough to piss ya clear off!

    Ready for spring to come around, tornados and all.

    (prepares own shoe leather for consumption)

  18. Currently 25 and overcast here in Anchorage...

  19. Montie, Nowata hit -31 this morning. And Medford had a wind-chill reading of -43 I think they said.

    Made the -5 in Oklahoma City seem almost warm by comparison.


  20. A fellow Anchorage-ite on Tam's Blog? Hidey-ho neighbor.

    I'd rather it be too cold than too hot. You can always dress a little warmer but you can only get so naked.

  21. Yeah, but I'm about ready for spring. This town would be a lot more tolerable in the winter if there was an indoor shooting range open to the public.

  22. Exactly freezing, right now. 60s expected. 70s mañana and then a week of 80s. About time, dang it!


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