Friday, February 04, 2011

Gettin' my wookie on...

You want to know what would qualify as a "true cyber emergency", Senator Collins? Lemme give you a clue:

(Found here.)


  1. Golly those "Anonymous" types can be an annoying bunch of posers.

    But on this policy, I endorse the sentiment in a full throated Guy Fawkes manner.

  2. Hey, it's the ancient pharaoh /b/hotep!

  3. Of course there's no hypocracy in calling for Egypt to open internet access back up while at the same time plotting how to do just that here at home.

  4. Some of my more liberal friends didn't want to believe that the Obama administration had asked for this same power (they weren't surprised when I added that the Bush adminstration had also asked for this). They agreed that if the US government did use such a power it would be time to replace said government. With force if necessary. I didn't go as far as pointing out to them that that require the people to have the means to do so. I'll wait till it sinks in a bit. Getting people who are afraid of guns to really understand that private ownership of firearms is necessary for the continuance of a free state is a long arduous journey. Shortcuts close minds.


  5. My comment at Marko's on a post of his a few days ago about the internet's distracting from real work:

    February 1, 2011 8:34 am

    Of course if the toobz become too much of a distraction, don’t forget that algore passed the keys to the One:

    So if production lags unacceptably, or if, you know, you want to foment an insurrection or something…the O has an app for that. Such a comfort…


  6. I have several relatives in differing branches of the US military. They love their country and would die to defend it against foreign invaders, but not a single one of them would raise a weapon against our own citizens to protect a home grown tyrant in power.
    If the US were to ever get to the point of complete tyranny, we might have more help from the guys with real weapons than we think...


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