Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Hardly an iconoclastic stance...

Darth Vader Newt Gingrich is apparently blasting the Obama administration's foreign policy on Egypt as "amateurish", which is about as daringly controversial as calling the sky "blue".

If a squad car was following our official position on Egypt, the White House would have been pulled over for drunk driving after the third or fourth time it veered over the center line and Barry would be standing on the side of the road, trying to say the alphabet backwards without the aid of a teleprompter.


  1. The snark is strong in this one.

  2. And if Mubarack survives this, He'll owe NOTHING to us. and our allies all know they sink or swim on their own. repercussions of his stupidity will dog us for decades to come.

  3. You kidding? O is so far gone to the left that he'd be pulled over in the opposite shoulder speaking with an English accent.


  4. tom-the-impaler,

    "And if Mubarack survives this, He'll owe NOTHING to us."

    Are you kidding? In a diplomatic masterstroke, we've managed to make every faction over there feel like we've hung them out to dry. No matter who wins, they'll be nursing a grudge.

  5. Dartboard or wheal of Decision.

    Let me see what my responce to Tam's claims will be today.

    Your Prez,

  6. "If a squad car was following our official position on Egypt, the White House would have been pulled over for drunk driving after the third or fourth time it veered over the center line and Barry would be standing on the side of the road, trying to say the alphabet backwards without the aid of a teleprompter."


  7. I thought it was Darth Cheney? Oh, wait...

    I found the memo. Emperor Cheney, and Darth Gingrich. I got it now.

  8. Kevin - yeah, it gets hard to keep track somedays. Kinda like Global Warming, oops, Global Climate Change, no, sorry, Climate Chaos.

    If Politico was right and the Brains Trust were sitting around popping popcorn waiting for Mubarec to resign in his first speech, and then stared at each other going "WTF do we do now?", then yeah, the Executive Branch has managed to set a new low bar.

  9. Kevin,

    "I thought it was Darth Cheney? Oh, wait..."

    Actually, I've been using "Darth Vader" to refer to Gingrich since he still had a job in the Capitol Building... :)

  10. "White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that [diplomat Frank Wisner] does not speak for the administration."

    Wait. Isn't that a diplomat's job?

    Not that we didn't already know that the Won is clueless, but wow.

  11. Boy don't the morons who voted for this charactor wish they had NOT now! A real blundering fool when it comes to foreign policies. Great snark Tam.!!


  12. Foreign policy so bad that even jug-eared peanut farmer does not want the comparison.


  13. Barry will have to work really hard to screw this up harder than Carter screwed up on Iran.

    The Carter admin told the Iranian generals to stand aside for Khomeini ... who repaid the favor by having them and their families executed.

    Barry is trying hard, however. Backing the Islamic Brotherhood, a fringe religious terror group that is grabbing for the purple during this popular revolt, is just mind-bogglingly stupid.

  14. "Boy don't the morons who voted for this charactor wish they had NOT now! A real blundering fool when it comes to foreign policies"

    I'm going to hazard a guess that you don't realize that many who voted for Obama are disappointed in not what he has done, but that he has not gone far enough...

  15. "If a squad car was following our official position on Egypt, the White House would have been pulled over for drunk driving after the third or fourth time it veered over the center line and Barry would be standing on the side of the road, trying to say the alphabet backwards without the aid of a teleprompter. "

    This is the new Gold Standard of Snark, to be kept at the National Bureau of Standards in Colorado next to the atomic clock and the official kilometer cylinder. If P.J. O'Rourke would read your blog, he'd kiss you for this.


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