Thursday, February 24, 2011

The latest news from Planet 10...

...brought to us here on Earth by the stalwart comrades of the SPLC:
The number of radical right groups in America -- including hate groups, "Patriot" groups and nativist groups -- increased in 2010 for the second year in a row, according to a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Given the criteria they use, I'm surprised that the Boy Scouts of America have managed to stay off the SPLC's "hate group" list for as long as they have. I mean, they are discriminatory, nominally religious, have merit badges for shotgun and rifle shooting, and they seem awfully interested in tying knots, if you know what I mean....

Among other things I learned from the press release CNN article is that apparently Arizona passed "a restrictive immigration law" last year, which came as something of a surprise to me, since I thought immigration law was one of those federal things. I knew that Arizona had passed a law allowing the po-po to check on someone's immigration status, but I was unaware that they'd moved into the sphere of immigration law proper.


  1. The number of hate groups has been increasing ALL THE TIME according to the SPLC.

    I'm just waiting for the total count to hit 300 mill or so, so that finally each of us will have our own hate group, and further growth will only be possible through immigration and child birth.

  2. ...but only white child birth, none of that nasty foreign or miscegenated kind!

  3. I think they should go after that restaurant that wont serve TSA agents. Haters. :)
    In other news, it's now found that people sometimes disagree with each other and can be real cranky pant's.

  4. Consulate Envoy: What can I do for you today?
    Leo Getz: Okay, I have this problem, this very delicate matter. I have a friend of mine, wants to emigrate to South Africa.
    Consulate Envoy: Yes, of course. I can certainly help him do that.
    Leo Getz: Oh sure. But I want you to talk him out of it.
    Consulate Envoy: Talk him out of it?
    Leo Getz: Yeah.
    Consulate Envoy: Whatever for?
    Leo Getz: W-well, you see, this is such a bad time for him to go to South Africa. I mean with all the trouble and everything, okay.
    Consulate Envoy: Look, why don’t you ask your friend to come back later in the week. We can sit down-
    Leo Getz: No, he’s here. He’s here.
    Consulate Envoy: He’s here?
    Leo Getz: Yeah, he’s here now.
    Consulate Envoy: Where?
    Leo Getz: Alphonse! Alphonse?
    [Murtaugh comes around the corner. Cheerfully oblivious]
    Roger Murtaugh: How you doing?
    Consulate Envoy: [Dumbstruck] I think there must be some mistake.
    Roger Murtaugh: Say what?
    Consulate Envoy: Sir, listen to your friend, here. He knows what he’s talking about. I don’t think you want to go to South Africa.
    Roger Murtaugh: Why not?
    Consulate Envoy: B-Because you’re black.
    Leo Getz: [To Murtaugh] You are. [To Envoy] He is.

  5. The news is what the newsies say it is, the facts are what a proper reporter reports. And never the twain shall meet. Well, hardly ever. Be alert for inadvertent truthhoods.

  6. Not a big fan of Danny Glover but I always thought that was a funny line regarding apartheid. Read Tam's post, starting thinking about real haters then I recalled this dialogue. Funny how the mind makes connections.

  7. But they hurt our widdle feewings they must be EVIL.

  8. miscegenated ... think I'll hang my hat on that one for awhile

  9. The boy is crying wolf again, except the only solution is to pay him more money so the wolves won't come next time.

    I gotta say, and I mean, strictly from the street perspective, cuz you all know that I am hood as fuck that that is a goddamn good con.

  10. Right wing hate group of one. Damn, oughta put that on a teeshirt.

  11. So who keeps track of those same types on the left?


  12. There are NO SUCH groups on the left. Unless SPLC says you're a hate group, you can't be a "hate group". So there.

  13. ...and they seem awfully interested in tying knots, if you know what I mean...


    Also, TJIC! Good to see ya! Apparently, a lot of us are you;)


  14. I have always been a bit confused by this group?

    Do they do anything to relieve poverty in the South? Do they create jobs for anyone but liberal lawyers?


  15. Nature abhors a vacuum. That includes law enforcement protection of citizens. That's how I tend to view our increasing enforcement efforts here in AZ. And, we ain't done yet.

  16. Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me)12:30 PM, February 24, 2011

    Looks like we finally found where the criminal brains from Planet Arous wound up.

  17. TJIC,

    I must agree with SpeakerTweaker, it's good to see you commenting, how goes the spat with the People's Republik? I haven't heard lately.

  18. The SPLC doesn't like me very much either . . .

  19. Hysteria makes big money. For the SPLC anyway. Me, I doubt I'd raise a buck if I ran around screaming about imaginary racist flying vampire bears with machine guns.

  20. When I picked up my CC permit two years ago at the sheriff's office I was somewhat disturbed that the only magazines in the waiting area were SPLC intelligence reports.

    Then on the elevator going down I was asked by a deputy if I was there for a permit. When I responded yes, he asked if I had my weapon on me which of course I did not. I guess in some jurisdictions the laws aren't too keen on toters especially when they hope to bust 'em on the first day. My hate group disguise was a dark navy business suit, wingtips and overcoat.

    BTW, the sheriff is African-American, not that there's anything wrong with that.

  21. Southern Poverty Law Center. . .

    Man, if that isn't a name dreamed up by Soviet-era KGB'ers, I don't know what is. . .

    Let's see. . Southern, cause, uh, that's where we ARE, . . Poverty, cause, you know, people feel BAD if you're poor. . .LAW CENTER---all law-like and all. . . I mean, it's a LAW CENTER, in the SOUTH, and something to do with POVERTY. . . ok? Get it?

    It's a parody of itself really. . .

    Lemme try: "Northern Downtrodden Reference Center" Whohoo! Yeah!


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