Tuesday, February 01, 2011

There's always someone that doesn't get the word.

Mayor Ballard has raised the Indianapolis/Marion County travel status to orange...
According to Janet Napolitano, that should have been phrased "Mayor Ballard has warned Indianapolis/Marion County travelers of an elevated threat from terroristic ice accumulations."


  1. Hmm Tough choice ... listen to Ballard ... or to that !@#$%^&*()_ Napolitano.

    Ulises from CA

  2. It's a level orange with pastel yellows and a slight chance of chafing. Let me guess when he announced this he was wearing a beret and a handkerchief scarf around his neck. I just hope he didn't break out a riding crop for visual effect!

  3. And he expects FEMA to arrive at anytime and ship everyone out to relocation errr temporary housing camps. Until your deemed safe errr it is deemed safe for you to return home!


  4. My family has been around Mordor since the 20s and the elders are comparing this storm to the legendary storm of 1967. From my vantage point 35 miles West of downtown, I can see why. I can't even see to the end of the drive and the wind is 35+ sustained. God help you in Indy with ice and that kind of wind.

    I drive a Subaru, have lived in snow country all my life, was taught to drive in snow by my father by doing powerslides in an empty parking lot until I stopped pissing him off, and own and have actually used tire chains for my car. Given that not very unusual background for a Mordorite, I would not dare go out in this in anything less than a life and death situation.

    If someone needs your esteemed mayor to tell them to stay the hell home, let Darwin ride and Devil take the hindmost. Collect the wreckage for the scrap metal, and the gene pool gets a little chlorine.

    God, I'm in a worse mood than I thought. :) Good luck down there.

    wv: elygme!!! - the word you try to say right before some moron in a 4x4 rear ends you.

  5. Here in Eastern Krasnovia civilization has collapsed and roving bands of cannibals roam the land unmolested. Thank goodness for my Zombie Survival Kit, my stockpile of cheap booze, and my WiFi connection. If not for that, I may not have been able to persevere under such adversity.

  6. Is that better or worse than purple?

    Dann in Ohio

  7. Orange? Is that the "panic quietly in your home" level, or is that "panic by going outside, flailing your arms, and screaming like your hair is on fire" level?

    Cuz I'm up for either.

  8. Orange level terror snow in Indy!

    Right, I'm off to buy another gun.

  9. atlharp: it could go to Alert level Ecru, or even Alert level Bone at any moment!

  10. "When in danger, or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." -
    Robert A. Heinlein, Kurt Vonnegut and/or Dr. Lawrence J. Peter

  11. Channeling Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon!"

  12. Should we all stand out in the cold and wait for someone to rescue us?

  13. This Denver suburb was at -12 when I put the dogs out - briefly - at 7:30 in the am. High got to 1 or -1degrees. We're probably looking at -21 Wednesday morning. And we're sending it your way! [The temp was so low yesterday & today that the 3 inches of snow was granular; could have used the leaf blower.] Meanwhile, YoungerForce is iced in in NE Ohio and waiting to see if a tree falls on his car.

  14. Why politicians can't just look straight at the camera and say, "Face it: We're f***ed, stay off the roads and ride it out till we can get a handle on it", is beyond me.

  15. @ Nathan
    Cuz that'd be honest and politicians don't do that too well.


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