Saturday, March 19, 2011

'Cause he's a war machine...

Huck the red tabby has more courage and less common sense than any cat I've seen in years. He still has that kitten-like urge to play fight, and if you decide you've had enough before he's done, he will come at you as you try to pull back and walk away.

I did not know, however, that he had an NSN. Apparently he is a milspec cat, perhaps for use in clearing bunker complexes.


  1. Now someone will have to open a "MILCats" website similar to "LOLCats"....

  2. Huck the War Machine Sounds like a movie to me.

  3. The cat in that picture knows more about military life and combat than the entire Obama administration does.

  4. Not even 9AM and Divemedic's won the internets for today...

  5. That cat pulling rear security is a bad motherhucker.

  6. Operating instructions, tabby, fighting, mark 1 mod 0:

    1. Give kitty catnip until it is good and fiesty.

    2. Throw ball of string toward enemy. Resultant enemy adoration may be used as a distraction to sneak up behind them and pick them off one by one.

    3. Pet kitty!


  7. I was under the impression Roberta had Huck converted to civilian applications only.

  8. Hmm, tactical trunk monkey position filled by a kitty, too cool!

  9. Consider a can of hiss as a training aid. I only had to shoot Rocket in the butt with it a couple of times, and now she never jumps up on the enlarger or kitchen counter, mostly. And she's definitely gone when I clean a computer. Seems only fair, guess what's in the computer?

  10. Wayne: Negative, "National Stock Number."

    WV: Hypotab. When kombat kitteh gets under your skin.

  11. @ Jim:

    insert 2a. before 3.

    2a. Wait for catnip to wear off before attempting 3.




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