Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hey-hey, hi-hi! Two plus two should equal five!

So you're protesting budget cuts, and you want a tuition freeze? I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that none of you are math majors, then.

Any other universal laws you'd like us to repeal while we're at it? Gravity, perhaps?


  1. Oh, come know 'The Rich'(in this case, anyone who makes more money than they do) always have more money to give.

    What chaps my hide is I'd be willing to bet not more than 50% of them are actually paying full tuition anyways...

  2. Greg,

    "What chaps my hide is I'd be willing to bet not more than 50% of them are actually paying full tuition anyways..."

    You mean the parents of 50% of them, right? ;)

  3. Pitiably, common sense is not a subject that can be taught. You have to learn it outside a classrom, it is often paid for in blood.

    Consequently, common sense is... well, it's not very common at all.

  4. It's probably more like:
    "I don't know what the signs say... but chick's find this kind of thing hawt!"
    And where are the anarchist's? It's not a decent protest unless you have some poor misguided yup with a bandana over His face lobbing smoke bombs...

  5. These students are like most protesters. The students that take their education seriously are in class or studying and not bitching.

    When I attended this very University, I was amazed at the number of people who had the time to do things like this. I thought that I must not be very smart because I was either at class studying or working to earn enough to pay my bills and these guys did all that AND had HOURS to do this stuff, too?

    Unfortunately, with the student loans, politics, and the exploding "costs", the debt load some of these kids will have when they matriculate has turned into another road to serfdom.

    It is a little cold, but do they still have streakers? ;P

  6. "Any other universal laws you'd like us to repeal while we're at it?"

    Well, there's always that ol' making pi = 3.0000 thing.

    Simplifies the heck out of the engineering arithmetic.

  7. I'm just wondering from where they stole those water bottles they were using as drums. Maybe if the university didn't have to replace stuff like that all of the time, they'd have money for other things.

  8. None of them are business or economics majors, either.

    Also, they're probably not fraternity dudes. I hear that Greek protesters throw Molotov cocktails ...

    WV: "medstat". I'll bet that none are pre-med, either.

  9. "But we're STUDENTS! That stuff isn't supposed to apply to us, we're the FUTURE!!"

  10. I went to Texas Tech University back in the early 80's after I got out of the military.

    GI bill helped me with my education. So did working two jobs all the time, sometimes three. I guess these pissants in the story are too good to work and pay for their own education.

    Teenage waste products. I'm about sick of them.


  11. Well, no, we shouldn't repeal the law of gravity.

    But it's terribly unfair to amputees, pregnant women, and people who carry bobblehead puppets in protest marches. They should get waivers, or perhaps gravity credits.


  12. Borepatch: Shouldn't they be using Greek Fire instead?

    Damnit, nobody has any national pride these days, using fuckin' Russian imports... *grumble*

  13. @Leaddog: I studied at the university a couple hours to the east. Such protests were almost non-existent, which I took as an obvious sign of a quality student body. (I grew up in Bloomington, IN, where such protests and heavy partying were a daily occurrence. Again, a clear sign of the quality of students.)
    In my four years there, however, these types of activities increased. Accordingly, engineering lost its title as the largest school at Purdue in that time, surpassed by the school of liberal arts. Now, it's like pretty much any other congregation of young minds that have been indoctrinated by the teachers' union. Oh, sure, there are sparks of hope here and there, but on average, it's an Obama vote harvest festival.

  14. Jesus, Tam. Take it easy on these kids! Of course they're stupid; that's why they're in school. If they were already smart, they wouldn't need eju... edgu... edi... they wouldn't need schoolin'.


  15. What is funny is that here in Mordor at state schools your tuition is frozen for 5 years at the level you entered school at per the state law. It has been this way for at least 10 years.

    So this tuition hike only affects new incoming students and grad/doctorate students. But then again when do kids need a excuse to protest instead of go to class?

  16. That is one lame ass protest.

    Abby Hoffman cries in his grave.


  17. True Stories:
    1) Congressional hearing ca. 1975 on toxic waste sites. Neighbor has a PhD in chemical engineering and is testifying that the ph levels at one site are down to 7.2.
    Congresscritter leans forward, removes glasses for dramatic effect and asks "And how soon will you have it down to zero?" At least the committee chairman looked embarrassed and apologized to Dr. Lowenhaupt.
    2) I '07 or '08 Detroit auto firms are in Lansing looking for help from state government. When asked about fuel efficiency an engineer said "We've taken the internal combustion engine as far as the laws of thermodynamics will allow."
    Yes, a state legislator leaned forward, removed his glasses, and asked "What amendments can we make to these laws to improve mileage."

    Stupid should hurt.

  18. "I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that none of you are math majors, then."

    Why not? Math majors are more used to dealing with letters and imaginary numbers than with actual digits. I'd be more surprised to see business, econ, or engineering majors - they're used to dealing with actual "real world" numbers.

    "Well, there's always that ol' making pi = 3.0000 thing.

    Simplifies the heck out of the engineering arithmetic."

    I hear B.S. Johnson tried that. Just don't get too close to anything he designed that way. The results are... interesting.

  19. They just look at that gravy train as unpossibly unendable! The best thing for them to is to starve and freeze in the dark.

  20. Free loading trash. Apply tear gas liberally until signs of infection disappear.

  21. I just want gravity changed to 10 meters per second per second.

    THAT'LL simplify ballistics!

  22. And Time changed so there's 100-seconds in a minute, and 100 minutes in an hour, and 100 hours in a day... Oops!

  23. "Consequently, common sense is... well, it's not very common at all."

    It was when stupid was painful .... and often fatal.

    Alas, we have separated cause and effect....... logic withers.

    Now, we subsidize failure, and when we get more failure, we are perplexed as to the cause .... we must need to increase the subsidy!

  24. 10 m per second per second would indicate increase in gravity? So we would all be 2% or so heavier? UMMMMMM....

    The 100 hours per day would take some getting used to, but perhaps I would not be so far behind? NAW the time vacuum would cause workload to expand exponentially, I bet.

    wv humpe - nope humper

  25. As I (far too) often comment, "The supply of common sense is fixed. The population keeps growing." I attended college (undergraduate) from 1969-1973, a time of idyllic calm and universal brotherhood. Well, it seemed sort of peaceful, since I seldom had time for anything other than studying and (too little) sleeping. Chemical Engineering. I didn't so much graduate as survive. The only time I saw protestors was when I was at my ROTC drills. Unfortunately, we were ordered to ignore them. Probably for the best, many of them looked to be contagious.

  26. Tam - Any other universal laws you'd like us to repeal while we're at it? Gravity, perhaps?

    Does TANSTAAFL count as a universal law? That's the particular one they want repealed.

  27. Tam,

    Take heart, the Feds are working mightily to get that one repealed. it's on the top of Obama's list.


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