Thursday, March 10, 2011

I just have one thing to say:

Who's the "Party of 'No'" now, bitches?



  1. Badgers! We doan nee no steenkin badgers!!

  2. They've passed "no" and gone straight on into "terrible two temper tantrum."

  3. Live by gaming the system, die by gaming the system.

  4. I was always in the party of "Oh HAYL no", myself. So this doesn't affect me.

  5. Joanna: I stand by my preference for the "Party Of Get The Hell Off My Lawn!".

    The question now is--and I haven't checked my news feeds while getting up, feeding the cats, finishing my coffee, feeding the cats, checking email, cuddling cats, ripping a couple of Sinatra CDs, feeding cats, lather, rinse, repeat--will the Badger 14 go home, or will they seek office in Illinois?

  6. "....., bitches?"

    You make me laugh, lady.

  7. The SEIU buses are rolling. This is what "Democracy looked like" to the Gracchi brothers as the torches marched up the Via Sacra.

  8. I love the screams of "Cowards!" at the Republicans who were voting on the bill from the peanut gallery. Because that word wouldn't apply to the people who actually ran away from the vote, instead...


  9. They are both the Party of No .... Nowhere Near Ready to Make The Cuts Necessary to Even BEGIN to Solve the Budget Problems .... They are all arguing about "Cutting the Budget" .... (When the Dems really mean "tickle the budget, just a little".... I think the Congress Critters heard "Cut" when what we said was "Gut!" .....

  10. Not since 1981 have I seen a newly elected ceo with the strength of conviction and mandate as has been on display by the two Scotts in Wis and Fla for the past few weeks...

    God let this be a trend and harbinger of things and politics to is our only hope.



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