Saturday, March 19, 2011

I just have one thing to say:



  1. Yeah it is ok if a Dem goes to war....

  2. I don't give a damn about Libyan oil. I want Khadaffi's blood for the victims of the 86 Berlin disco bombing, UTA Flight 772, Pan Am 103, and the various terrorists he gave support.

  3. Good news! It's blood for nothing.

  4. No blood for oil?

    Would you settle for for (in flight) cruise missiles for oil?

    Whatever it takes ......

  5. Well, at least we can say that "when Obama Lied, No One Died!" Wait, how many Tomahawks were launched? Never mind.

    Of course, it's STILL Bush's fault! Wait, Hillary pushed for it? Never mind.

    Sigh! Where's Code Pink when you need them?

  6. Libya, along with the rest of north Africa. . . wait, possibly ALL of Africa, is a lose-lose situation.

    Maybe we can sail the Libyan leadership in some luxury yachts off the coast of Somalia when this thing is done. . . and have Hugo Chavez as the captain and cruise director?

  7. Does this mean we have to start making giant paper-mache Obama heads, stop bathing, and start up drum circles?

    Cuz I don't want to become no damned hippy!

  8. I want to go to every Obama speech and heckle by asking what his exit strategy is.

  9. Tam,

    The problem is that Libya and Libya's oil is merely dust on the top of the tip of the iceberg.

    China's billions and India's industries are growing economically, fiercely, and needing more oil all the time.

    And all of the world's sizeable oil fields are getting old - they need new wells to almost keep up with what they had been delivering, making the cost of oil go up at the same time they are falling behind worldwide (as in, nothing the US can do will change it) demand.

    At some point the problem will be for nations to have enough oil to run their military, 'cause a military without oil is an invitation to disaster and adventurism. The little I recall about WWII includes the fact that Germany's Battle of the Bulge failed primarily 'cause they ran out of fuel.

    What happens (according to Club Orlov) when Venezuela and the Saudis decide they should really hang onto what oil they have, to keep their own industries running OK and their military, or friends' militaries, running? Exports to the traditional oil markets could dry up rather quickly.

    Burning coal (at the power plant, for electric cars) to get around isn't going to be a big lifestyle change. I don't see that many people learning to live on 10% of the energy in use today.

    (And please don't tell me about energy alternatives that burn tax dollars instead of oil, like wind farms. Figure that every $1,000 of federal spending has a significant carbon footprint and energy penalty. The feds burn coal and oil, as do their employees.)

    I don't see any pictures out there that look very pretty.

  10. Brad K.,

    Um, I was making a joke.

  11. New Rule of the Internet, sadly. There is no sarcasm, no matter how thinly veiled, that someone else will not have seen offered elsewhere as a purely earnest opinion, leading to confusion on the part of the reader as to the sincerity of the speaker. :(

  12. sarc>...view from the porch...<sarc

    fixed it.


  13. Brad we have ass-tons* of oil. The powers that be have determined that we shouldn't be allowed to get it, for some asinine reason or another. Actually, didn't congress pass some sort of ok to drill and get the oil and the president pretty much squashed it with an executive order?

    *a real scientific measurement

  14. Like running a deficit, lowering taxes for key constituencies, holding prisoners at Guantanamo, and throwing away billions in "stimulus" money, the only time it's bad to get involved in a second military campaign that will distract and split our forces from the GWOT to topple a mad Middle East dictator who tortures his own people is when George Bush does it. If BHO does those things after George Bush did them, then it's Progress.

    You've got to admit, after two years, a lot of us are embracing "Hope for Change..."

    wv: pelester, someone who tries to have inappropriate contact with retired soccer legends

  15. Enh - I am capable of holding a grudge long enough to just be all +1 to Hat Trick.

    Reagan took a shot at him and missed, I won't be sad to see the current President correct that mistake.

    (Landing a MEU might be excessive, but blasting ADA emplacements with tomahawks and ARMs so the french can land the Legion Etrangere is OK by me).

  16. Once we figure out how to run our cars on distilled Muslim blood, all will be well.

  17. Sorry, I'd rather stay human.

  18. Having worked the Libyan oil fields, I can tell you it is really really good quality of oil.

    We could take the oil straight out of the ground, no filters, no nothing and run it in our diesel trucks.

    It was like a mix of kerosene with gasoline.

    Great stuff!

    So if we are going to spill some blood for oil, lets at least do it for the good stuff.


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