Tuesday, March 08, 2011

I know what I'll did this summer.

Memorial Day. Knoxville. Machine Guns. Tom Givens. Luckygunner sure does know how to put on a bloggershoot.

Did I want to come, they asked? Does a big snake crawl low to the ground?


  1. I may have to start a gun blog just to get invited...

  2. It is truly unfortunate that TN is such a hike from MA.

    Although that's probably intentional...

  3. You could write this off as a "business expense" ....reasearch or some such?

    ps-Luckygunner's site has a sidebar w/ pix of "Class III's at the shoot"- while they have a pic of a PAK 38 appropriately labebeled, a little further down they have a pic of what looks like a G3 under a PAK 38 label .... The G3 is an honest to goodness assault rifle, but it won't do much in the anti-tank role...... I know they know the difference, but their web guy might not ..... they might look to that.... enough confusion about "AK-47's" out there .....

  4. Kick ASS! Get to meet up with the Tam again.

    Maybe you and I can see if we can set off the PAK38 with snark alone!

    Uhhh.. Captcha word is 'suphitch'. Not gonna really comment on that.

  5. I...CAN'T...AFFORD...IT!


    And I bet the Professor will be there, too!

    (WV: "bonist" - As in, I've been played by the bonist.)

  6. Jay: Everything is a huge hike for me. I have to be content to just 'watch' from here.

    "If there's a bright center to the blogosphere, I'm on the planet that it's farthest from."

  7. Memorial Day is April 26th where you and I come from.

  8. So, what defines "gun blogger." Its not my main topic, but, I blog about guns and 2nd Amendment topics.

    Do I qualify?

  9. From where I look TN is just down the road from MA, sheesh it's not like you gotta drive cross-country.
    It's like from LA to Eugene, OR.

    Cargosquid - you do.

  10. I'm gonna go just to see what Tam REALLY looks like when she removes that New Egypt Burka she's been sportin since livin up thar! :]


  11. This might be a reason to put some actual posts on the blog I set up so long ago. Maybe I could take some pictures of that .32-20 model '92 my brother bought.


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