Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm not sure I can improve on this one in any way.

The CNN headline reads:
Voodoo sex ceremony starts fatal fire.
Well, okay then. Further commentary would just be gilding the lily, I think.

Kids, be careful when you're performing your voodoo sex ceremonies, okay? Try and keep the candles away from flammable materials, and be sure not to knock them over when you're being ridden by a loa.


  1. This is EXACTLY what Cardinal Ratzinger was warning us about!

  2. See, that's the thing with the black cat bone, and unlubricated Mojo. Just too damned much friction in an enclosed space.

    WV: fellyth. Not going there.

  3. Kids. Gotta put some oil on that mojo, dammit.

    WV: Coutr. I'm not going NEAR that one.

  4. Dang, the intarwebs are having problem making up their mind this morning

  5. It's that flammable-edible lube-spooge, I bet the flaming jello-shots set it off.

  6. Hey, aren't we supposed to be on fire with enthusiasm (for our faith, of course!)?


  7. Two hundred FireFighters times seven hours times pay-per-hour (even without overtime) equals metric ass-ton of money out of the city budget. I remember seeing the photos of the participants - wish I could forget those particular images...

  8. Should have rolled one more truck and made it a proper imperial ass-ton of money.

  9. Kids. Gotta put some oil on that mojo, dammit.

    Romantic candles and flammable sex oil is not the way to make homemade 'warming massage oil'.

  10. "a woman paid him $300 to perform a ceremony with a sexual component, that was meant to bring her good luck"

    That or vote Democrat, not much of a difference.

    wv: bidica; see above

  11. "ridden by a loa"?

    Is that what kids call it these days?

  12. "a woman paid him $300 to perform a ceremony with a sexual component, that was meant to bring her good luck"

    Paying to get lucky always ends badly.


  13. Where's Wintergreen?

    Come one, Tam gets it!


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