Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just when the world was getting entirely too serious...

...Pugsley shows up and lightens things up:
"I have always said, heard, that it would not be strange that there had been civilization on Mars, but maybe capitalism arrived there, imperialism arrived and finished off the planet," Chavez said in speech to mark World Water Day.
So basically Adam Smith wiped out the little green men. Alrighty, then.

He goes on to talk about how capitalism has destroyed forests and rivers on Earth, unlike the careful stewardship of socialism, which nurtures and preserves lush natural gardens like the Black Triangle in Eastern Europe and China's growing western deserts.

(H/T to RobertaX.)


  1. I hope Hugo donates his brain to science, so we can figure out how that wiring got all hosed up.

  2. Just looking at the guy, you can tell that Tic-Tac-Toe is a lot more his speed than, say, the NYT crossword puzzle.

  3. yup, give us more of that Aral Sea stewardship.
    Having lived and worked in a formerly Communist country, I've seen first hand the evidence of enlightened Socialst policy

  4. Which goes to show that even stupid people can grow up to become heads of state.

  5. Provided they're thuggish enough and have the backing of the army.

    Seriously, for all the talk about Biden or Bush or whoever, the slowest politician in the US is a veritable rocket surgeon compared to Pugsley.

  6. Seriously, Hugo Chavez is like some short, fat kid that got beat up in first grade and now has to show the world how he's made it. I am sure his power and food rationing in Venezuela is really showing the world his massive skills of presidentin'!

  7. Hey, the greenies would have us believe that SUVs are causing global warming on Mars, so why not capitalism?

  8. Capitalist? Isn't Mars the Red Planet?

    Shootin' Buddy

  9. I hope Hugo donates his brain to science, so we can figure out how that wiring got all hosed up.
    He did, and Science cashed out before maturity.

  10. Didn't Obango just praise that part of the heemosphere 4 all their greatness? And they are now ready for the worlds attention? Geez,only in Rio..


  11. Are you sure it wasn't World Waterhead Day?

  12. I had a comment on this topic, but I gave it to your Roomie instead. Now where was I? Oh's ALL Bush's Fault!

  13. Damn Federation of Concerned Spacemen!


  14. Son of Sam Adams1:54 PM, March 23, 2011

    Hugo was there; he should know. He and Dennis Kucinich tried to halt the desertification, were on the last saucer off Mars, and got tossed out on Earth for whining to the captain.

  15. I've noticed a trend: Marxist dictators tend to all be "Coocoo for CocoPuffs" Loony-toons type wacky insane.


    It would be funny if it wasn't for the whole "millions of innocent people murdered because the Great Leader thought they were shapeshifting squirrels or something" factor.

  16. BTW, Tam, "Pugsley" is the absolute perfect name for him. You wins the internets with that.

  17. "Capitalist? Isn't Mars the Red Planet?" --Shootin' Buddy

    It IS a place of zero economic activity .....

    These colors, though, they are confusing: Red States, Red Chinese, Blue States, Blue Laws, Blue Dogs, Red Armies ..... somebody is screwing with the lexicon, methinks.....


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