Monday, March 14, 2011

QotD: Innocents Abroad Edition.

From the "Feather our own nest this vacation season" File, blogger An Ordinary American points out the foreign joys available here at home. The money quote:
China? You can have that too. I saw a Richard Gere movie where he got in deep doo-doo for something he supposedly said or did there. Besides, if you want to visit a communist state, there’s always California.

On second thought, you might find a little more freedom and better cost of living in China.
I LOL'ed...


  1. Now THAT is a keeper...LOL And the way we are going and China is going, it's probably going to be true in about 10 years.

  2. Hell, I'm illegal in CA now! NFO is probably right.

  3. Ancient Woodsman9:47 PM, March 14, 2011

    I liked this one: "If you happened to have voted for Obama, stop by Venezuela and check things out. Then stay there."


    However, it is mezcal that is 'con guasano', not tequila.

  4. Plus California for the first time beats China in the "aging leader" category.

  5. That last part is actually true. Rural China is actually pretty nice and from what I hear they leave them alone.

  6. Rural California isn't too bad, a lot like Nebraska except we probably have more tarantulas out in rural California. I only go overseas until I get to Hawaii.

  7. Internationally-active investors claim that the pro-business climate in China is a good bit better than in the U.S.

    China has gone back toward capitalistic endeavors and prospered. The U.S. has gone more toward Socialism and has declined.

    There is a message there, seems like.


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