Thursday, March 24, 2011

Same planet, different worlds.

I sometimes wonder what it would be like to spend five minutes looking at the world through, say, Dennis Kucinich-colored glasses.

I mean, just the other day, he said something like "I like my president, but I love my Constitution," and I'm sure he meant it, because Dennis, the Ron Paul of the Left, has always struck me as a sincere guy; sincerely wrong, but sincere nonetheless. Still, my first thought on hearing him say that was "Dennis Kucinich wouldn't know the Constitution if it gave him a paper cut on one butt cheek."


  1. *uses a lot of brain bleach*

  2. Perhaps in Kucinich's case that was lower-case "constitution" and he's celebrating the routine functionality possible in a human body run by a lizard's brain...

  3. "Dennis Kucinich wouldn't know the Constitution if it gave him a paper cut on one butt cheek."

    Ya know, that particular injury would be a whole less likely for Dennis if he'd sit down and read the thing, as opposed to sit on it and try to absorb the information that way.....

    For a guy that gets a 100% rating from the Brady Bunch over his entire career and believes that taking money from me to pay for my neighbors' boob job and abortion surgeries is constitutional ..... for him to open his yap about ANY constitutional issues is just ridiculous.

  4. For him to be in Congress or any elected position higher than dogcatcher is just ridiculous.

    Although I suppose even the dogs might object.

  5. Hey now, y'all, I voted for the man in the California Presidential Primary a few years ago, just to throw a monkey wrench in the works of the Dem Party. In this state, those who register as Decline to State (party affiliation) have the option of voting in the primary of one of the parties.
    Of course, it probably would've served me right if the turkey had actually won in the state, huh?

  6. The dogs wouldn't object. They'd have fun with him. Dennis is about the size of a dog toy. And most dogs (save an Irish Retriever) are smarter. Dennis would end up in his own cage with the dogs pointing and laughing.

  7. jimbob86 - For a guy that gets a 100% rating from the Brady Bunch over his entire career and believes that taking money from me to pay for my neighbors' boob job and abortion surgeries is constitutional ..... for him to open his yap about ANY constitutional issues is just ridiculous.

    Excellent point. O' course, the same can be said for... well... all 535 of them, actually. ANYTHING is "constitutional" if it's "vital" to their reelection prospects... er... the good people back home, I meant to say.

    When asked if ObamaCare was constitutional, SanFran Nan shrieked, "Is that a serious question? Is that a serious question?"

    Apparently, Nancy, not for you or any of the other crooks and liars and wardheelers you work with.

  8. jimbob86,

    "For a guy that gets a 100% rating from the Brady Bunch over his entire career and believes that taking money from me to pay for my neighbors' boob job and abortion surgeries is constitutional "

    And he would look you in the eye and very sincerely point at the "Militia" clause in the 2nd Amdmt and the "Promoter The General Welfare" in Article i, Sec.8 and ask you if you'd ever read the Constitution.

    Seriously, the sky is a different color in his world than yours. You have to understand that he is operating from completely different base premises than you.

  9. George McGovern was sincere, too. I think that was your point.

  10. "I like 'MY Constitution'".

    Maybe he doesn't get sick often, or can party all night with his giant wife.

    Or did he write his own Constitution based on the teachings of Marx and Engels? He can't be talking about the one James Madison wrote with input from the delegates and discussed in the Federalist Papers. No way.

  11. Trust me. You all be glad that the Boy Wonder is only one of 435. You didn't have to live up here when he was Mayor of Cleveland, nor when he became the CongressCritter for Life. Ask Breda. But the Good News is that, due to those who could vote with their feet having done so, the Replitards in Columbus (who control the State House, State Senate and Supreme Court) get to do some Re-Districting due to our declining Population. And it looks like the Boy Wonder's District is going to merge with CongressCritter Fudge's District. And since she is a STRONG Obamaite, who would NEVER support an Impeachment Resolution brought about by the Boy Wonder, can hope. We'll see what happens in a few months.

  12. Constitution ... Chemtrails ... both in Kucinich's files under "C".

  13. I took a 'Philosophy of the World's Religions' course once. The final was we were to give a presentation about our personal philosophy. After touching on the Tao and libertarianism, I joked, as Linus from Peanuts: "It doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you're sincere." The prof's response: "Hitler was sincere."

  14. And he would look you in the eye and very sincerely point at the...

    Then I would argue he can't love it, because he apparently hasn't respected it enough to bother to learn about where those phrases came from, and what their respective authors said about them.

    I may not like everything in there or even how it used before the ink was even dry... but there's reading it to understand what it means, and there's reading it to see what you can get away with.

    Different things.

  15. Jennifer,

    But that's assuming that he hasn't read the same background material that you have.

  16. Jenny - [T]here's reading it to understand what it means, and there's reading it to see what you can get away with.

    I'm not sure whether to applaud what you wrote or resent the hell out of it on behalf of my wife and all of her fellow attornies who make their living see what they (or their clients) can get away with!


    cf. Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, entry: "lawyer"

  17. Jimbob86:

    Sit on it? You are missing an "h" there.

    He uses it to avoid the sales tax on toilet paper.

  18. Tam,

    "Dennis Kucinich wouldn't know the Constitution if it gave him a paper cut on one butt cheek."

    I read your blog for these little gems.

    Thanks for the chuckle.

  19. Yeah. I live in Cleveland, I run into Dennis occasionally, we like a couple of the same restaurants. I've even spoken with the man on occasion.

    When he was mayor, he did save the city owned Muny Light after Cleveland Trust did some flagrantly illegal actions to get it. Yes, he's a big-government Democrat. An yes, he's a nutbar, but he is a sincere, principled nutbar. He honestly, truly thinks big government and high taxes will help the greatest number of people.

  20. Bram,

    Denny's wife isn't all that "giant," it's that Denny is just that small.

    I'm not kidding.

  21. "Seriously, the sky is a different color in his world than yours. You have to understand that he is operating from completely different base premises than you."

    OK, I understand .... but he and I need separate countries if we are going to operate under the same set of rules that are interpreted two (radically) different ways.... seriously.

    It ain't the Land of the Free without property rights.....


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