Thursday, March 10, 2011

Well, that's a change of pace...

The Mexican government is all upset at US law enforcement agents standing by and allowing guns to be smuggled into Mexico, which is a change of pace from the usual American anger at Mexican law enforcement agents standing by and allowing drugs and illegal immigrants to be smuggled into the US.

In the Mexican government's defense, at least their cops are on the take and not doing it as a matter of agency policy.


  1. The Mexican government is all upset at US law enforcement agents helping guns to be smuggled into Mexico, which is a change of pace from the usual American anger at Mexican law enforcement agents helping drugs and illegal immigrants to be smuggled into the US.

    There, fixed it for you.

    (WV: consingn - A cappella serenade by incarcerated felons. "Consingn as the chain gang clears brush from the side of the road.")

  2. Part of the Mexican government's anger may be that some small percentage of those guns are apparently coming into the hands of ordinary citizens who may be using them to defend themselves against the dope cartels.
    It's still not worth Brian Terry's life and the ATF higher ups need to be prosecuted.
    Hell, even the NRA has now "discovered" the "Gunwalker" problem...

  3. "In the Mexican government's defense, at least their cops are on the take and not doing it as a matter of agency policy."

    To be fair to the US law enforcement agents, though, Mexican law enforcement is generally so corrupt that being on the take is an (unwritten) agency policy.

    Mexican LEO's who aren't on the take tend not to live very long, after all.

  4. "at least their cops are on the take and not doing it as a matter of agency policy."

    Sizzling snark is as tasty as thick bacon.

  5. Jake's spot on in that regard; when the choice is "Plata o plombo" ("Silver or lead") the folks who live usually chose the former.
    For ATF to let thousands of firearms to be illegally transported to Mexico (after being tipped off by gun sellers - the group of people usually targeted by ATF) is disgusting. To have one of those guns figure in the murder of a Border Patrol Agent is obscene.

  6. And this item of News is Front page, on all the major networks, the twitter and facebook world is overwhelmed with indignation at this Fed-LEO crime, and NPR is doing a week-long expo-say documentary.

  7. John,

    "NPR is doing a week-long expo-say documentary."

    NPR's too busy getting expose'd to do much expose'ing... :D

  8. I am tired of this "bad neighbor" argument that the anti-gun despots in charge of whatever hellhole use to justify why their anti-gun policies aren't working.

    Chicago is the murder capitol of the US - why? Because of "lax gun laws" in Indiana. So why isn't Indiana the murder capitol of the US? Why does the effect of "lax gun laws" only work in neighboring states/countries?

    Same thing with DC, NY, and Mexico. Hey, corrupt dictators: your hellholes are hellholes entirely on their own merits (and no small part due to your own corrupt "leadership"). Don't blame it on your neighbors, which are in every case much nicer places to live.

    If my lawn is overgrown with weeds, it's not because of my neighbor's nice, well-kept, weed-free lawn. It's because of my own laziness and incompetence. Same thing goes for you clowns.

  9. Excellent, Anthony, excellent.

  10. When I think of NPR, I think of that scene at the boom in that movie, "The Sand Pebbles" when Steve McQueen's character meets the "student activist" and happens to have an axe in his hands.

  11. Don't be too sure the ATF's not on the take. The drug cartels have a LOT of money to spend. There's no telling what might come out in a Congressional investigation.

  12. "There's no telling what might come out in a Congressional investigation."

    It's Congress, and ATF is big money. I'm sure whatever comes out, it will be brown, mushy, and smell bad.

    wv: patent - If you could patent BS, you would own Congress.

  13. I've always wanted to get me one of those thin blue athletic nylon windbreakers, and instead of having ATF stencilled on it, I would have it read, "DEXRON" Even Ford uses dexron these days, you know.

  14. I want a raid jacket that reads "UNDERCOVER"...

  15. Late, way too late, breaking news, via the Frontier Sixshooter bunch:

    Yup, Tam, I'm thinking NPR has stepped on it and is now merely changing feet. The more they try to pull their [insert derogatory noun of choice] out of the flaming wreckage, the more they self-compound the institutional reek of rotten Proper-gander.

    I'll miss my classical music in the shop and Antique Roadshow, but we oughta be about up-fed enough by now, to not much care if they immolate themselves.

    In fact, I'd happily supply a metaphorical full gas-can and matches, to the clowns at the Boston branch of the Public Comintern-radio Redux.


    Yeah, I wouldna care if they'd publicly swoot themselves,either.

  16. "I want a raid jacket that reads "UNDERCOVER"..."

    Sky marshalls been wearing those for years.


  17. It will be a good action agents the smuggled and also is good use of gun.we all with you.
    Thanks for sharing


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