Sunday, April 17, 2011


We seem to have inadvertently scheduled the April Indy Blogmeet for Easter Sunday (which is also the next-to-last day of Passover, and beer contains yeast. D'oh!)

This will no doubt cause scheduling problems, and we totally apologize for this gaffe.

Luckily, the gentle Christ epitomizes forgiveness, which will prevent mishaps like the ones that occurred the time we accidentally held it on the Feast Day of The Drowning of R'lyeh and that guy who drove all the way from Wisconsin got his mind devoured by an Old One...

If Wayne (not The Other Wayne) hadn't brought along that heavily-dog-eared and annotated paperback copy of The Necronomicon, we'd have been boned for sure.


  1. Yes, and wouldn't you know that time my GPS took me to the Pacific Pole of Inaccessability and I totally missed everything.

  2. We appear to have the when, has the where been determined yet? I may actually be able to make this one.

  3. I understand that beer contains yeast, but so does wine, which as I recall is served at Passover. So, what's the difference?

    Please note that both grape juice and boiled barley juice will spontaneously ferment from wild yeast.

  4. Warthog,

    "We appear to have the when, has the where been determined yet?"

    I am going to the Broad Ripple Brewpub. Because, you know, beer cheese and pretzels. Plus Scotch eggs. Yum!

  5. Next time, celebratetion the Assumption of St Antwelm... You won't regret it.

  6. ...Yeah, that is really damn confusing. From the point of the view of the brewer, the only different between beer and wine is what KIND of yeast you use and whether the food for it is primarily grain or primarily fruit.

  7. Common misunderstanding about Passover: the problem isn't the yeast, it's the femented GRAIN. Fermented grapes, apples, honey (as in mead) etc are fine. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming, and Happy Whatever to Everyone.

  8. ...and knowing is half the battle!

    Thank you for that nugget. I mean it; you never know when stuff like that is going to come up in a trivia game. :)

  9. Two-word email I never imagined sending my wife:

    "Scotch Eggs?"

  10. Wait a minute here......

    Somebody's finger strays near the trigger of their sidearm and it causes all sorts of uproar 'round here.

    Some poor bastard get's his think-meat zorched by an eldritch god and it's just "whoopsie, our bad?"




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