Friday, April 29, 2011

By way of explanation...

When I was eight years old, this was in heavy rotation on Saturday morning TeeWee:

(And to this day, I can't remember the preamble to the Constitution without singing it...)


  1. And they say that Public TV isn't subversive ...


  2. That stuff got me through college-level English class.
    "Conjunction junction, what's your function?"
    And the history ones are still fun to watch.

  3. Imagine what the media wonks would be making now.

  4. We must be a similar age! ;-)

    I loved those so much, I bought the entire set of Schoolhouse Rock for my 10 year old.

    And yes, he can sing the Preamble right along with his Mom.

    "I'm just a Bill, yes I'm only a Bill - and I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill..."

  5. "We the People of the United States, in Order for form a more perfect Union..."

    I wonder why they changed it?

  6. It doesn't fit the rhythm.

  7. Likewise, I want to see that goram bill get pocket-vetoed or something rather than celebrate the passing of another law, moving us ever closer to teh three felonies a day.

    Alas, there's only so much you can cram into the rhyme

  8. I thought I was the only person that "sang" the Constitution...

  9. It's the ONLY way I can remember it. I have to consciously remind myself not to sing.

  10. @Borepatch: They weren't done by PBS...they ran on ABC, were produced by an advertising agency (McCaffrey & McCall), and were sponsored (originally) by General Foods. Yay capitalism!

  11. I confess to being at a loss as to what you need to explain.
    'Course, I'm the one who's been burning offerings to his lares and penates thanking them for leaving Blighty...

  12. Those are good - I'm partial to 'Elbow Room' myself.

    Oh, elbow room, elbow room.
    Got to, got to get us some elbow room.
    It's the moon or bust,
    In God we trust.
    There's a new land up there!

  13. These are nice, and Conjunction Junction rocks.

    But. I miss cowboy X.

  14. snap on tools spam? really? Snap on has lowered themselves to spamming blogs?

    WV hysturr. Snap on tools spam, and forklift word verification

  15. Imagine the screeching if they aired "Shot Heard 'Round The World" today...

  16. og,

    It's not snap-om (the obscenely over priced tool brand for the easily swayed mechanic). but some smuck that bought the domain. I'd advice not going to snapontorquewrench dot com with javascript on or ActiveX anything though.

    As soon as finds the site, they'll send a "C&D & give us the domain" letter, I figure.

  17. My daughter is watching them right now. I bought the DVD set years ago because we enjoyed them. She likes them a lot and has really learned from them.

    Have you watched the Tyranasourus Debt one? Amazing how small our debt was back then. My daughter is now scared of the debt!

  18. @RevGreg, I had my hopes that the sepia-hued past might not be as disappointing as it truly is. Sigh.

  19. You kids! Get off my..! Wait, that's not my lawn. I never saw that.

  20. Oh yeah! And the Adjective Song. "He was a hairy bear, he was a scary bear, and we soon fled from his lair."

  21. "Conjunction Junction, What's Your Function?" (hee-hee!)

  22. Re: the Tyranasourus Debt vid. They failed to mention that Andrew Jackson paid it off in 1835.


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