Monday, April 25, 2011

Failure to think things through...

So, right there in the job description it says that routine daily tasks will include looking at computer images of nekkid people and groping the crotchal areas of small children. What could possibly go wrong with that?


  1. Nice to know that our tax dollars were used to pay this guy to put his hands down little boys' pants.

  2. Is he an ex-public school gym teacher?

  3. Publicly, from a lamp-post, until he is dead. I doubt the crows would even peck at a turd like that.


  4. Oh c'mon, Jim. I can imagine that if Arthur C. Clarke had shown up when I was eight years old and offered me help with my math homework in exchange for "personal services" I might have taken him up on the offer. I was reading "Earthlight" at the time. Now, I've always been a bit of a polymorphous pervert, but non-consensual groping is right out, 'specially if it is done by a government person.

    I am just imagining, of course. The few times I happened to see nekkid grownups when I was a kid left me with that "eww, gross!" feeling.

  5. But it's "for the children!!"

  6. If this guy is like the (Pennsylvania) Lower Merion School District administrators, he'll walk.

    The cool thing about being a part of the Governing Elite is that, well, you're 31337.

  7. "...the Union Lawyer helped him out"? God Forbid the Union would lose this Pervs Dues that the Tax Payers put into his Paycheck.

  8. So he posts his pictures onto a PhotoBucket, and those onto FaceBook?

    Clearly the TSA isn't screening for higher intellect, either.

  9. Clearly the TSA isn't screening for higher intellect, either.

    Sure they are! They're just using it as a rejection factor instead of a selection criteria.


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