Thursday, April 07, 2011

He's got a point.

When your stable of hopefuls makes Ron Paul look seriously electable by comparison, it's not saying anything good for your chances.

Trump? Gingrich? Governor Cornpone?

Jesus wept, it's starting to look like the Island of Misfit Toys from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer over there. You could run the Train With Square Wheels as the vice-presidential candidate for any of those clowns and it would increase their chances.

All we need now is an eccentric billionaire to run as an independent and it'll be 1996 all over again.


  1. I'm laughing while crying, incredulous but scared. What hath we wrought?

  2. A guy I work with was asking about the pool of possibles for 2012 since he knows I won't vote for Obama. I honestly couldn't think of anyone who has stepped up as being someone for whom I would vote. I would only vote against Obama presently.

  3. 1996 all over again? But didn't the Republitards play the Old Wounded War Vet Sequel last election? And the only Heir Apparent to the Shrub Dynasty says "Frack NO!" when asked. And since they only have 2 pages in their Playbook...

  4. I'm almost to the point that if someone would pull a sword from a stone they would get my vote.


  5. Well, Tam, I guess it's time to gather your minions and take over the country.

  6. I'm really not hopeful about the 2012 election. With someone as easy to beat as Golf Commander, and all we've got is a clown circus on our side.

    Paul Ryan, if you're reading this: you should seriously consider running.


  7. Not to mention Former governor Assault Weapon Ban, Obamacare Romney.

    What a born-winner!

  8. First of all, who in their right mind would want the job? I realize that being a politician requires a hefty amount of self-confidence and a very thick skin, but who among us wants to be the next Sarah Palin? Ann Coulter pegged it years ago: a (d) after a politicians name means (in the eyes of MiniTru) that he's an educated, erudite, caring, thoughtful man of the world. An (R), on the other hand, means that he's a knuckledragging, parochial moron who likes to kill helpless women, children, minorities, and old people. It's hard to play in that kind of traffic.

    Further, a succession of presidents and Congresses since at least 1964 (really, since 1912) have so screwed up our country that cleaning out the Augean stables is a morning's light housework compared to cleaning up the mess in DC.

    Finally, this system we've evolved puts a premium on politicians learning to pander and give handouts; it does not build the sort of political character / strength of will that is needed in these very troubled times. Hell, nearly half that country thinks that the empty suit in the White House is doing a good job merely because (A) he reads well from a teleprompter and (B) he promises to hand out more and more goodies.

    In such an environment, a Washington or Lincoln or Truman wouldn't get to first base.

  9. Anyone who wants to be President should on no account be allowed to do the job.

    Douglas Adams was a wise man.

  10. Bolton maybe? If he could grab the nomination then reach past the other stiffs to someone like West or Rubio for VP... then we have a chance.

  11. Hey, the Train with Square Wheels won in the VP category last time! So they think it can work! But only with the Media stuffing ballot for them!

  12. Chris Christy of NJ? He at least seems to want to fix the mess and stand up to those that constantly have their hands out...

  13. At this point, an eccentric billionaire (independent or otherwise) might be a refreshing change.

  14. Fred Thompson is off doing 'other stuff', John Bolton scares the bejeezus out of lots of folks (and I have no problem with that at all), Paul Ryan is too valuable where he is at this time, Christie is fundamentally too squishy to suit me, Gingrich is 15 years past his expiration date, Rubio and Jindal need more time in the marinade. Palin, as much as I gleefully relish the idea, is better by throwing rocks at the other team from the sidelines.

    The Usual Suspects that are trotting themselves out are Bob Dole 2.0.

    I'd be ok with putting the country in stasis and sticking it in a Seal-A-Meal for a generation.

  15. I'm on the verge of writing in "Zombie Reagan." The Stupid Party's setting itself up for failure...again.

  16. White House political strategists have concluded—regretfully—that Ronald Reagan is fading and will have little chance of winning the Republican presidential nomination in 1980. Why the regrets? Because Carter's aides are convinced that the conservative, 68-year-old former California governor is an easy target. (April 2, 1979)

    Poor Carter. He could beat Bonzo's partners but that George H W Bush will be as hard to beat as a wiley Swamp Rabbit.

  17. Vote Nehemiah Scudder in 2012 !!!

    Samsam von Virginia

  18. I'm thinking Doc Jim has it - given how the vicious the last round of media attacks was, who wants to come out early and give 'em an extra year to uncover - or make up - smears?

    I'm guessing the serious folks are holding back till the convention gets closer.

    Or, you know, Whigs. One of the other. :p

  19. I'll probably just write in John Galt.


  20. Echoing Gerry, I'm more and more on board with farcical aquatic ceremonies involving moistened bints lobbing scimitars. It can't be much worse.

  21. All we need now is an eccentric billionaire to run as an independent and it'll be 1996 all over again.

    Oh, I hadn't heard that David Koch had thrown his hat into the ring...

    WV: Good lord I swear I am not making this up -- "peeinfan"

    That's just about what we'll feel like we've done after the next election, if we're lucky.

  22. I know! We can draft three people to run for President! Winner gets a crappy but guaranteed job for four years, and a decent retirement package as an apology. Second place gets to be VP, with the same deal. The loser gets a severance package for his time.

    It certainly couldn't be much worse than the results we get with the current system.

  23. Speaking of Bob Dole 3.0 (McLame was 2.0), who is the lamest long-term GOP Senator they could throw up, who would seem comfortable and familiar to the Inner Circle, and then get humiliatingly trounced in the actual election?

    'Cause you know that's who they're going to put on the ballot.

    I'm thinking Dick Lugar.


  24. Lindsey Graham. Only way he can top what he's done up to now.

  25. "All we need now is an eccentric billionaire to run as an independent and it'll be 1996 all over again."

    Michael Bloomberg Mayor of Nuevo York

    Let the games begin!


  26. In 1996 gas was about $1.00/gallon and the national debt was 3.7 trillion. I wish.

    While we're fantasizing, I'd vote for anyone who'd nominate Alan Gura to to the USSC.

    wv: ingles- No hablo

  27. From my comment on your "Wow" post last night:

    "Based on Tim Russert spawn Chuckie Todd's report on NBC tonight it seems the top pub choices are Romney, Trump, Huckabee, and Gingrich. Ridiculous caricatures, one and all.

    By all means, let's throw in a couple of talking heads like Beck and Limburger, with whom we might share some random convictions but who have about as much business RUNNING THE FUCKING WORLD as...well, Obama.

    Jesus Christ, if that's the clown car they drive into the ring they deserve to lose."

    But I do like your idea for an Island of Misfit Pols...send 'em all there. Then hope for a quake or two. And some tsunamis.


  28. Ya know, they say "Never ascribe to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity", but I have to ask myself "How can the Republican party be THAT stupid?"

    You're right. The Republicans aren't fielding anyone remotely electable. The way I see it, either the RNC has a collective IQ of about 12, or they're gearing up to give THE ANNOINTED ONE another 4 years.

    I swear, the republican party is looking more and more like some sort of Potemkin political party, that only exists to provide the appearance of a choice.

    Even when we elect a "Good Republican" we get George Bush and George W. Bush. Both, essentially socialist.

    When Americans are sick of socialism, we get candidates like Bob Dole. When there's no chance of electing another overtly socialist candidate, we get stealth socialists like GWB.

  29. Definition of todays Republican.
    No taxes for me, everyone else pays.
    The world owes me...

  30. Spud,

    That's a new one on me.

    I've heard "flat tax, no loopholes for anybody", or "ditch the income tax and go to a sales tax" or something of the sort.

    Where'd you hear that one?

  31. "Vote Nehemiah Scudder in 2012 !!!"

    That's what I'm afraid we'll get. That and Jug Ears getting to make another appointment to the USSC.

    If anything happens to one of the four conservatives or Kennedy, the remainder of the "conservative wing" will circle the wagons and play "Weekend at Bernies" until Teh Won is out of the White House.

  32. The Eastern RINO establishment just can't wrap their heads around the concept of electing Palin.

    These imbeciles felt the same way about Reagan.

  33. I'm thinking that Palin has been quite effectively torpedoed from an electability standpoint.

  34. I'm thinking that Palin has been quite effectively torpedoed from an electability standpoint.
    And folks thought the same thing about Nixon in '61...

    Me, I'll actively campaign for the first to suggest that the Federal .gov should not have "non-essential" personnel, and that any Fed activity that closes it's doors due to non-passage of a budget should, at a minimum, be contracted out, handed over to the local state .gov, or sold off outright.

    WV: mistams. Look, we all know who owns this blog...

  35. Me, I'll actively campaign for the first to suggest that the Federal .gov should not have "non-essential" personnel, and that any Fed activity that closes it's doors due to non-passage of a budget should, at a minimum, be contracted out, handed over to the local state .gov, or sold off outright.

    Sounds like a plan to me, can I get an amen? In all seriousness, this would have to be something done by the states. There is no way the Feds would give up all that gravy ($$$+Power) to just let the states run away with it.

  36. Gah... I was thinking about that today, and I have to agree, there is NO viable candidate coming forward...

  37. Drang,

    As a libertarian, I've forgotten more about campaigning hard for totally unelectable candidates than most GOPers will ever know. ;)

  38. "Rubio and Jindal need more time in the marinade..."

    I don't know, Rabbit, that marinade is more like toxic sewage...which might explain all those turds mentioned above.

    And I find myself wondering if a raw young firebrand like Rubio might be the best recipe. Hot off a trouncing of former RINO Crist for Senate and fresh in the minds of TP'ers...and he's hispanic; anybody paying attention to those census numbers? Right or wrong, those folks are going to rock the boat (heh) in coming elections.

    Charismatic, well-spoken, laser-focused...and he's beautiful. Jindal looks like he should be in a tech-support cubicle somewhere. Sorry Bobby, it matters big...witness the current white house occupant whose only features are those mentioned in this paragraph.

    Don't know what might happen in the next year and a half, but right now this minute I'd mark my ballot for this kid before any damn one of the bozos on the list of contendas...and sadly, yes that does include Palin; she's done.


  39. Has Mitch Daniels said "no" for sure?

    I mean, right now the biggest thing they can make out of him is the fact that he can be said to have "blinked" when Hoosier Dems went all "Spring Break Decatur" on him, when he said he wasn't going to make a big deal of their pet issue in the first place.

    I'm hoping against hope that Gov. Daniels takes leave of his senses and gives it a whirl.


  40. I'm not seeing any "no way am I voting for Palin". Seems more like "she's not electable". ???

  41. The woman I have been referring to as the ex-sweety has recently relented enough to somewhat re-saccharize, and talk to me on the telephone a bit. She agrees that all of the Republicans being put forward more or less suck, and wants to vote for Herman Cain, a local Georgia Boy.

    Unfortunately, he has the same problem Paul Craig Roberts does when talking on the radio: He is a very slow talker.

    But a deep one! He is also the founder of Godfather Pizza, which ought to count for something.

    As a reactionary White Nationalist Christian Libertarian (I suspect there are very few of us), I, too, endorse the very dark-complected Mr. Cain for President of the U.S. I am not kidding.

  42. Tam, from my own little sick mind.
    The working poor pay a much higher percentage of total income when looking at all the hidden taxes.
    Reagans administration stole all the trust fund from SSI, and now they want to renege on that debt.
    They also instituted most of the deregulation that has caused the current financial meltdown.
    I say the tax rates should be as they were during his administration. At least until the debt is repaid.
    I was a card carrying Republican, until I saw the gross theft of the nation that was occurring.
    Now, I don't know what I am...
    Can't be a lib
    Can't condone thievery
    When I make my debts, I pay them !

  43. Sorry, can't condone the class warfare. If I pay x%, then you pay the same and so does Donald Trump. "Equality before the law" is a two-way street.

  44. Will,

    "I'm not seeing any "no way am I voting for Palin". Seems more like "she's not electable". ???"

    That's because the two are not synonymous. I'd vote for her, sure, albeit a lot more reluctantly than I would have three years ago.

    But cheering for a team doesn't mean I can't also think it doesn't realistically stand a prayer of making the post-season.

  45. Lefties hated Presidents Nixon and Reagan, but people generally- even their enemies- took them seriously.

    The general public laughs at Gov.Palin.

    Tina Fey killed her killed Candice Bergen killed Vice President Quayle.

  46. Sorry, Tina Fey killed her like Candice Bergen killed Vice President Quayle.

  47. Ron Paul would make a dandy pres. IMHO.
    We keep falling for the same old stuff....and, deserve what we are getting.
    This country is beyond the point of return.
    How do you overcome $14 trillion in debt?

  48. "Ron Paul would make a dandy pres. IMHO."

    So would lots of other people who don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected. What's your point?

  49. I'd also like to throw in in favor of watery tarts throwing swords. It couldn't be a worse system, and might even be an improvement.

  50. "How do you overcome $14 trillion in debt?"

    Plenty of ink, paper, and electrons.

    We aren't broke, we still have checks!

  51. "You could run the Train With Square Wheels as the vice-presidential candidate for any of those clowns and it would increase their chances."

    ..And at least a train with square wheels wouldn't likely jump the rails and slam into our living rooms anytime soon.

  52. Personally I'm gonna sip my Brawndo smoothie and vote for Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.

  53. Spud, the rape of Social Security funds began under Eisenhower and accelerated wildly under Johnson. Every administration since the '50's has looked the other way as Congress skimmed every penny and replaced it with an IOU that could never be repaid without inflating the currency to the point of disaster.

    At the risk of quoting Sen. John Kerry (the SEAL, not the jackass), it's time to write off the bad debt and accept that SSI is a pay as you go fund, with this month's intake covering next month's outpayment. There are NO Social Security assets, and any politician telling you otherwise is a deliberate, sociopathic liar.

    But then, I repete myself.


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