Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sorry 'bout this...

Can't brain today. Have the dumbs.


  1. Your entitled that Tam. No one can snark like You do every day!


  2. Enjoy the day. You deserve a day off!

  3. Dumbs? I wouldn't think so. Tireds? You betcha. Enjoy the day off.

  4. It's Easter. Take the day off with no regret.

  5. Brain? Brain? What is Brain??

  6. Well at leat you won't have to worry about zombies... today.

  7. Sounds lie you need some chocolate.

  8. Your brain is only taking a coffee break, I seriously doubt you could ever be considered "dumb". Sarcastic, sardonic, or even a smart a**, maybe, but that's just not suffering idjits very gladly is all. Happy Easter to you.

  9. Pinky: So what are we going to do tonight, Brain?

    Brain: The same thing we always do, Pinky. Kick the Brady Crowd to the curb.

    Or something. The Muse hangs out at your place, or it doesn't.

  10. Unless you retroactively voted for Duh One, you don't have the "dumbs."

    That's reserved for Huffpo writers, DU (and that ain't Ducks Unlimited) ranters, and other such subterrainian slitherers as squirm through the nether regions of these here innertoobs.

    At worst, you may be stricken with a mild case of republiliberitis.

    The system blockage is evident by the name of the malady, alone.

    Copious doses of Hyack, Sowell, Reagan and O'Rourke are likely the best course of treatment.

    If symptoms persist for more than four hours, go immediately to your nearest shooting range, and fire off at least 500 rounds to relieve the pressure.

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

    P.S. I envy you your aching brain. I went in for a brain scan, and it came back negative.


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