Saturday, April 09, 2011

We are so boned.

So John Q. Public is wheeled in with an arterial bleeder, and Dr. Reid says a bandaid should fix it, while Dr. Boehner wants one of those little 3" gauze squares. They compromised on a 2" gauze pad, but with only one strip of tape.


My neighbor's dog has more foresight than these yahoos; at least it has the sense to bury bones for a rainy day, rather than leaving little "IOU's" in the holes. Of course, my neighbor's dog isn't scared to death of the AARP...


  1. So true. And so pathetic. Anyone who held out hope the current GOP leadership would be better than before should now abandon that belief.

  2. But they HAD to compromise to prevent a shutdown...right?

  3. The congresscritters aren't afraid of AARP so much as they are afraid of ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, WaPo, etc. "Gosh, if the government shuts down because I won't 'compromise', George Stephanopolous and Katie Couric and Paul Krugman will say bad things about me! I... I... I just can't bear the thought of it. I'M NOT MADE OF STONE!!! EVERY MAN HAS HIS BREAKING POINT!!!!"

  4. The threat of shutdown was the best tool the GOP had. And they blinked.
    I'm gonna laugh my ass off when the SHTF hit's the fan and these deficit "hawks" have to explain to the American people what went wrong.
    I can already see it: deer in the head lights gaze in the camera, "This was unexpected", "It comes as a surprise", "Nobody saw it coming"...

  5. "But they HAD to compromise to prevent a shutdown...right?"

    The Weimar government kept the benefits going to striking workers in Germany in the '20s, too. Can't have a shutdown!

  6. The sad part is, both are better than the leeching Dr. Obama had prescribed!

    Nurse Phil

    wv intings - this game is going into extra intings in about 6 months. I wonder if FY2011 will be the year without aa budget?

  7. We've got some froshie govs who have proven that no compromise is the best compromise. Backbone? Strength of conviction? Laser focus on the mission they were ELECTED TO DO? Can I get a HELL YEAH?

    Got some froshie senators that are ready for varsity too. Can't do worse than the has-beens/never was that are in the game now. And the old guys that are waiting to go in are just as bad or even worse.

    It's a new day, and a new game; let's go to the bench, get some hot new blood in there, and win one for the Gipper!


  8. Figuratively speaking AT there's like a minute left to the game...
    I don't know that there is anyone who can make a difference this far into the game.
    You'd have better luck with Phineas and Ferb IMHO.

  9. That's what we thought in '79 too, McVee, and the Gipper proved us wrong.

    Is it worse this time? Yes. Is there a Ronnie waiting to go in at QB? Not in that pathetic list we've been laughing at. What about further down the roster? Maybe. And it might call for a Hail Mary, but otherwise we can just turn out the lights, 'cause the party's over.

    I'm done with the gridiron crap now; I don't even like football anymore, but I had to get Ronnie's ghost in there somehow.


  10. Seriously? Our government is like the Weimar government?

  11. Dan,

    That's not what I said, but if it makes you happy, you can pretend I did.

  12. I'm sure if we all continue to piss and moan. wring our hands and set our hair on fire, those we have elected will begin to understand what we want done. Oh and be sure to vote the next cycle. That should straighten everything out

  13. I would offer a slightly different interpretation. This extension is for one week, which puts the next "crisis point" after the military payday. The priority is not the amount of the cuts, but to break the Demorats perimeter. There are several ways to shield military pay from a partial shutdown, all of which were evaded by the presidential occupant. This works against his side. Once again the key is education.

  14. ... and then they proceeded to take next Monday off.

  15. So, we've got a minimum voting age... what if we had a max, too?

    "Ok, we're keeping Social Security, and you retire at 70 and get it, but you lose the franchise."

    Sorta loses the AARP all that clout.

  16. I honestly have to say that although saddened by it, I expected this. The stench of this particular D.C. kabuki two-step taints everyone involved.

  17. Well, since I stayed up late last night waiting for Santa Wookie to arrive and start the Cleanup Process, I was once again reminded that, in Today's Gooberment, no matter how hard you try, if you don't have the Votes, You Don't Have The Votes. RINOs howling about how are they ever going to keep their Cronies fed back home, DemiCommies screaming about how are they ever going to keep feeding their Darwin Award Winning Voting Bloc ("3 MILLION Senior Citizens are going to STARVE!"), the Anointed One Preening on the TeeWee about how Great He Is, and it's All Their Fault. But when Push came to Shove, all the Tea Party Types could do was sit on the Sidelines and Gnash their Teeth down to the Gum Line.

    Next week: Sausage Making Part 2. Same Bat Time, Same Bat Station. Meanwhile, as Rome continues to Burn, keep listening for the Soothing Sounds of Nero and his Washington Harp Orchestra.

  18. Seriously? Our government is like the Weimar government?

    No, the Weimar government didn't have a Kenyan running their government. Overall, you have to go to war with the army you have got. I know instead of Delta Force, we got McHale's Navy. Regardless, we did get 38 billion out of their hands. I am not deluding myself here, but I think this will be a process. They are gonna have to come back after a while and the GOP will ask for more cuts. The real issue here isn't just the leadership, but those among the rank and file who flinched. Look, we didn't come away empty-handed here. I am just sayin' that there are times to piss and moan, but now is not that time. I think we all wanted a touch-down and what we got was a field goal. There are still points on the board and the game is far from over. Yet the beer is flat and all the cheerleaders look like Pelosi.......sorry vomiting now....

  19. "...scared to death of the AARP..."

    What a perfect damn of the old guard politicos.

    And what a perfect platform for brand-new ones to advocate elimination of the giant bloated elephant in the room that no one will mention for fear of getting squashed.

    The constituency of the class of '08 does not expect SS to be there for them, and would be very receptive to a lump-sum cash buyout; hell, I would and I'm a mid-boomer. And those already on the dole (yeah, that's what it is old-timer; dress that pachy up, slap on the lipstick and call it sweetheart, but that fat bitch is eating us out of house and home, and you know it).

    This is maybe the one single social and monetary issue that could make or break any pullback from the brink of catastrophic collapse; the third rail of conservatism. And young guns are not (as) beholden to single-issue oldsters or their corrupt union...

    Need a slogan, though..."Social Security is Neither"? Or maybe "Socialism is Not Security"?

    Anyway, here's one vote for the first uncompromising contender who has the brass ones to acknowledge the dirty truth and confront Social Security and its apologists.


  20. atlharp,

    The reason many of us are so disgusted is that we believe the game IS nearly over.

    This is the time to go for it on fourth down, not the time for timid field goals.

    wv: tyweep -- as do I.

  21. atlharp,

    The reason many of us are so disgusted is that we believe the game IS nearly over.

    This is the time to go for it on fourth down, not the time for timid field goals.

    wv: tyweep -- as do I.

    I can understand that, but all we can manage now are field goals. Look, we won this battle, we didn't lose this....not at all. Regardless, you are acting as we are at the edge of the world. We are not there.....but we will be, and we can not turn it around if we throw in the towel now. I think that's the bottom line, it's easy to piss and moan, but you are stuck with these assholes for another two years. You have a choice, but realize that the world doesn't revolve around what we want. There is more at play here than 38 or 64 billion, much more. The number is irrelevant (for now) the real thing to look at is are we making forward progress? I believe we are.

  22. You all worry too much. The deficit isn't a problem for "our" government. They just expand the money supply to fit.
    Back in the day, 30 oz's of gold would buy a Ford. Today, 30 oz's will buy a Ford. Somewhat hard on the folks who save money in dollars, but that's not the folks who elect Democrats. As long as the electorate can afford fast food and soft shoes the deficit isn't a problem.
    Coarse personally I don't believe any of the above crap and pissed off to a country that can more or less afford it's government-at least for now.

  23. Huh. Lost a bit.

    "And those already on the dole (yeah, that's what it is old-timer; dress that pachy up, slap on the lipstick and call it sweetheart, but that fat bitch is eating us out of house and home, and you know it)."

    Should be:

    "...and you know it) will exit the system, attrition."


  24. "The number is irrelevant (for now) the real thing to look at is are we making forward progress? I believe we are."

    I don't think so.

    The point at which the government starts getting all "Respect mah authoritah!", trying to enact measures to suppress dissidents, sieze wealth, and take private property usually means that the situation is going downhill, not climbing up and getting better.

  25. I just had the coolest idea. So, we take welfare recipients... Ideally the younger and healthier ones, so we get some milage out of them. And we do a bunch of shows like "survivor" and "american gladiators". Only instead of getting voted off the island, we run the show on attrition. And in the 'gladiators' bit, we give em real weapons. Being on welfare mandates that you can be chosen to participate. The only option for avoiding participation in the games, is to not be on welfare.

    problem should start sorting itself out in a couple of seasons.

  26. I don't think so.

    The point at which the government starts getting all "Respect mah authoritah!", trying to enact measures to suppress dissidents, sieze wealth, and take private property usually means that the situation is going downhill, not climbing up and getting better.

    That's been a problem since FDR? Seriously, we are in a better position to reform than we have ever been. Yeah, it ain't gonna be Alongside Night, but it's better than turning into Greece.

  27. idahohunter,

    "I'm sure if we all continue to piss and moan. wring our hands and set our hair on fire, those we have elected will begin to understand what we want done. Oh and be sure to vote the next cycle. That should straighten everything out"

    I don't see you out there belling any cats, brother; you're just "Yip-yip-yip"-ing on the internet like the rest of us.

  28. Loren: Are you related to Earl Butz? If not, you're channeling him ;-)

  29. AARP can kiss my vertical smile.

    I keep sending all their "join us now" crap back in their pre-paid envelopes--and I stuff every bit of other junk mail I get into the AARP pre-paid envelopes.

    Just one of my many hobbies. . .

  30. Social Security and the rest of the Federal benefits remind me of how I handled the United Thank Offering, a Whiskeypalian tradition.

    One got a little cardboard box with coin slot in the top, and was supposed to put some pocket change into it whenever he felt thankful.

    Well, I fell on hard times, and took some of the money back out, but left an IOU slip in there to remind me to put it back.

    I never did.


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