Thursday, May 05, 2011

The great American melting pot...

We will take whatever ethnic or religious holiday you happen to have and turn it into an excuse for ofay yuppies who couldn't tell a Pater Noster from a Plan of Iguala to get hammered on funny-colored beer in singles bars.

The queso fundido we ate amidst the quaint English decor of the Broad Ripple Brew Pub yesterday was delicious, by the way.


  1. I don't resent May 5 celebrations, every people should have a chance to celebrate beating the French.

  2. Trouble is, it has become a giant fondue with chunks of turd in it.

    I'm with Odysseus on the Mexicans and the French.

  3. Today you could honor Mexico via tacos or flan.

    When the Titanic left England, the next port of call after New York was to have been Tampico, Mexico, to offload the year's supply of Hellman's mayonaisse. It didn't arrive, which is why the 5th of May originally was a national day of mouning in Mexico: Sinko de Mayo.

  4. Arrghhh! I just hate it when I don't spell a word correctly, when I already know better. Fingers sometimes outrun the brain...

  5. I'm surprised our president didn't deliver his traditional "Cinco de Quatro" address.

  6. Re: Para 1, so should our plan for winning the War On A Noun include declaring Whatzisname's birthday an ethnic holiday (with celebratory pink beer and mud wrestling), then waiting for Arab Rage Boy's head to explode?

  7. I refuse to celebrate this year because Maximilian I was not treated according to the practices of the French after his death.

  8. Not everyone who hails from south of the border celebrate Cinco de Mayo ... unless it's someone's birthday!

    I prefer to celebrate Juan Santamaira's exploit. At least I have something in common with him.

    Ulises from CA

    But for those who do celebrate, have a happy day. If you drink, don't drive. If you can't handle the habaneros, stay out of the kitchen!

  9. First time in about 10 years that I haven't had to work the door at a bar and deal with said over-indulging yuppie scum.
    I'm actually kind of enjoying today.


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