Tuesday, May 10, 2011



Talk amongst yourselves for a moment.

Also, how are we supposed to convince 'em Osama's dead when we can't even make 'em believe Hitler is?


  1. Did you ever have a perm? I had a dream you got a perm. And I mean the full Brady. Tamfro. And you posted a pic of it, in all its glory, on this blog.

    Nicotine patches are GREAT for messed up vivid dreams.

    I don't think that's your look, tho.

  2. Hitler is dead? I thought he was in Argentina.

  3. Actually, Hitler isn't dead. He's damn mad, though ...

  4. Osama holes up in Pakistan for X years. Hitler in Argentina... is that so implausible?
    If nothing else makes for great web browsing.

  5. Wow. That guy is..."off his shelf" is the best I can come up with. Assertions galore, and not a single citation backing them up.

    But then I'm one of the guys he thinks is running the world behind everybody's back, so I guess I'd be expected to say that.

  6. Nathan,

    Dude, aren't you in on, like, two conspiracies? :D

  7. PS: Bobbi just said "Wow, Nathan's double-dipping! He's my new hero!"

  8. And just where is Elvis hiding?

  9. It wasn't the SEALs who got Osama, it was Elvis.

    Thank you very much!


  10. I clicked the link and discovered the word "conspiracies" misspelled on its masthead. That should have been my first clue to turn back but, fool that I am...

    Many years ago I used to visit the "psychoceramics" site occasionally (http://dev.null.org/psychoceramics/). It didn't take long for me to stop reading. After a while, visiting the site became sort of sad, a strip club or the zoo.


    wv: prers. What this guy needs.

  11. clicked the link and discovered the word "conspiracies" misspelled on its masthead. That should have been my first clue to turn back but, fool that I am...

    Many years ago I used to visit the "psychoceramics" site occasionally (http://dev.null.org/psychoceramics/). It didn't take long for me to stop reading. After a while, visiting the site became sort of sad, like a strip club or the zoo.


  12. Does it say something rather sad about me, that I keep wanting to point out to this guy that his photographs of Hittler's supposed "double" clearly cannot be?

    The dude clearly has the rank of an SS-Oberfuhrer (or higher) on his collar and a totenkopf on his cap.

    Hitler, as usual, his whereing corporal's uniform... since that was his actual rank (WWI) and he liked to portray himself as a man of the people.

  13. whereing = wearing... I need coffee and an edit button.

  14. Well, I see by the headlines* the Iranians are claiming to have evidence that OUsama died of illness years ago....

    *I also see by your outfit that you are a cowboy...but that's another song.

  15. Hey, the Birthers have to have somewhere to play now that the Anointed One's paperwork was dropped into Trump's In-box, right? "It's a Konspriracy, my Brothers, it's a Konspriracy! K..O..N..SPRIRACY!"

  16. OK, Ms Smarty Pants, if Hitler is dead, then who's been making all those videos with him ranting at his staff for each and every story in the newspaper? Tell me that, hunh?

  17. Whether he survived is irrelevant, unless it's being argued that he just celebrated his 122nd birthday.

  18. Hey, if Hitler is still alive, that makes him the last surviving combat vet of WWI

  19. Well, maybe his head is still alive in the vast Nazi bunker system in Antarctica. Does that still count?

  20. It doesn't matter. Everyone know the Red Skull was the real power behind the Nazis anyway.

  21. We all know who is really behind all of this......George Bush!

  22. Hitler died? I didn't even know he was sick.
    Now I feel bad for not sending a card...

    But as for Elvis, he's got a timeshare down in Honduras that he splits with Jimmy Hoffa and the guy who used to be the Marlboro Man on all those magazine covers back in the day. I hear that he's also employed seasonally as a gardener at the Bush ranch in Crawford, Tx.

  23. Dead? He was fine last week. We made up a foursome along with Elvis and Amelia Erhart. Not a bad golfer, but what a temper, he really knows how to cuss up a storm.

  24. And NJT knocks it out of the park. I'd ship you an internet, but I believe that's too big for MD's magazine ban. You'll have to go get one in VA

  25. Ian 10:07
    Get a life dude, ideas and thought are what matter. Not spelling...

  26. We pride ourselves in not being slackers with the language around these parts, actually.

  27. I hear they shot Charlie Chaplin and left the corpse for the Soviets to find.

  28. That's nothing Tam, there are cities on the moon! Here's proof:

    And a bonus (literal) tinfoil hat and anti-Einstein screed.


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