Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Overheard in the Office:

The occasional misanthropy attack occurs:
Me: "How come they're only 'regime supporters' when they belong to the Other Team? I mean, roughly half of Americans think that Obama's a swell guy and want to believe he 'got Osama', just like half believe that Bush was a great big friend of liberty and we needed to go save the world.

And it's a free country; they're allowed to believe that. You can't just shoot them out of hand; they're not evil commie traitors. Well, actually they are, but you still just can't shoot them out of hand. More's the pity, actually."

RX: "If you killed everybody that needed killing, you wouldn't be able to get arugula. And besides, who would you play with?"

Me: "There'd be peace and quiet, I'll tell you that."

RX: "But who would hold your targets?"

Me: "Once the rigor sets in, they'll hold targets just fine."


  1. Like I tell my liberal friends, I like half of what Obama's admin is doing...the half that's continuing the Bush doctrine as far as MIL matters are concerned...
    The other half... meh.

  2. Ah yes,our old friend mortis...


  3. They don't complain so much when you staple the targets, either.

  4. No worries, I think Mexicans will continue to grow our arugula just fine after the communitarian apocalypse.

  5. "Once the rigor sets in, they'll hold targets just fine."

    Tam, I really love the way you think things through.

  6. but once rigor passes, they don't hold targets well, and in any civilized area, you're expected to clean up after yourself.

    I personally don't worry about the long arm of the law. But all that cleaning....

  7. Oh Dear, Tam. The o-dear!

    w/v: comednet - comedy net?

  8. After the rigor fails and you need new target holders - maybe we can keep them like pets, or in a zoo, in Greenland....

  9. You ladies are awesome. But of course you know that.

    Sometimes I run into the hypothetical who-would-be-left dilemma: small government advocates are generally despised by the bulk of both Republicans and Democrats, though more by the latter than the former. Good thing that gun folks tend to be the kind of people who want to be left alone--makes it easy to find friends on the range ;-)


  10. This is why I make sure there is always a shovel in the Jeep.

  11. Herein is the basic structural defect of strict ideology. On the road to the far end of the curve, those who do not hew to the One True Position are terminally reformed until there is only One Perfect One left. Then-one day, sooner or later, they will discover that they are of two minds about something........

  12. I have to admit I had to google Arugula.

    I can't imagine being concerned about getting arugula.

  13. Oh bother, imagine the zombies shambling about covered in pasters.


  14. That there, is funnier than shit!

  15. Lol.

    But, ummm, why bother with paper when you have, well, other things you can use as targets.

    Or is that just my macabre side showing through :-P


  16. "Once the rigor sets in, they'll hold targets just fine."


    A woman after my own heart. Most women.. just do not appreciate rigor mortis or corpse-guts jumping jokes..

    So please tell me, are there heterosexual women who can appreciate the violent and the macabre?

  17. Sooo...Seal Team Six lied about it ?
    I might have a hard time believing that !

  18. Aussen, I think that both Tam and Roberta are prolly hetero, judging by what they've written over the years. Just because one is a grumpy old spinster who lives with another one, and cats, doesn't mean one is a Lesbian.

    I speak as a grumpy old (hetero) bachelor, who lives with a similarly old divorced guy, and a cat.

  19. We can't know. They're both smart enough to conduct and plan long term disinformation campaigns. That's something I relish doing.

    I mean.. if I was of homosexual inclination and living in the midwest, a place not exactly renowned for tolerant attitudes on stuff the old testament frowns upon..

    Grumpy? Her? Sarcastic and witty maybe..

  20. "I mean.. if I was of homosexual inclination and living in the midwest, a place not exactly renowned for tolerant attitudes on stuff the old testament frowns upon.. "

    [citation needed]

  21. @Anonymous

    Don't be ridiculous. American males are not often homophobic?

    Then why is suicide rate among homosexual teenagers several times higher than among heterosexual ones? Is it because you love, cherish and respect your gays?

    And 80% of the time after I insult some mouth-breathing american I get called a 'faggot', or bitch. Suggests that gays are not really popular.

    People don't kill themselves because they feel loved and understood.. at least not around here.

    The only more hated minority than gays are atheists (there was a opinion poll.. atheists are less liked than both muslims and gays)

    I'm pretty sure old testament has very strong opinions on people who deny it's psychopath god.

    I mean.. check out atheist hate mail for example.

  22. Well, I'm an atheist. What of it?

    You Euros do have some funny views of the place. (Then again, so do New Yorkers.)

    Yes we have electric power out here in the heartland, we don't wear bones through our noses, and there are actual gay people here in Broad Ripple with rainbow flag stickers on their Subarus and everything and we don't hound them through the streets.

    If thinking I'm one of them makes you happy on lonely Slovakian nights, go right ahead.

  23. (Out of curiosity, did Slovakia stop throwing its queers into psychiatric prisons before or after the fall of the Berlin Wall?)

  24. Gay?
    You couldn't even convince me of a time Tam was Cheerful.

    At least there are no surviving witness....
    ...Probably Damn few surviving LDS or Catholics for that matter!

    Sorry meds kicked in sooner than expected, I'll go sleep now!


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