Tuesday, May 17, 2011

That looks like about 600 giggles a minute.

S.W.A.T. Magazine video of the SlideFire AR-15 stock in action. Mindful of the Akins Accelerator fiasco, I inquired with Those Who Know and was told that the difference is that the Akins stock used a separate spring, and also that the BATFEIEIO actually got sent a sample before they approved it.


  1. Good luck with that. Hopefully they've bought enough congress-critters to prevent a BATFU retroactive reconsideration.

  2. Would you buy one?


  3. CIII,

    If I had the cash lying around? Probably. As long as I had a spare AR.

    As easy as popping a stock on and off is, I'd rather not have to swap out the stock on my HD carbine every time I wanted to play bump-fire at the range.

  4. Akins sent one too. ATF said they couldn't get it to work but understood how it worked and then approved it.


  5. And yet a can will get you canned...

    But I'd get that stock for shitsngiggles and just in case the Stooges come no-knockin'...call it a Stooge deterrent or a handy to reminder to DOUBLECHECK THE F'N ADDRESS BEFORE YOU PICK UP THE RAM.

    You said if you had the cash lying around as if it's a hunk; how much?


  6. Looks like it's got a switch that turns off the bump-firing feature. Might not need to take it off, Tam.

  7. Matt,

    It just doesn't strike me as the stock setup I'd want for social use, switch or no. I'm happy with my Vltor. :)

  8. Unc,

    Just passing on what I'd heard. :o


    MSRP is $369.

  9. Anyone want to take bets on when the BATFEIEIO decides to change its mind and decide that the stock is, oops, sorry, illegal?

  10. Always with the negative waves Moriarty, always with the negative waves.

  11. OMG! WANT! And I really don't like AR's, yet... : )

  12. I got mine!

    These really ARE a riot to shoot and you can get pretty handy with 'em. As for serious social uses, not for me. The manual of arms requires that the support hand actually push the weapon forward to allow the trigger to break against the trigger finger.

    Unless you train LOTS and frequently with that MOA, I suspect it's a major PeePee Dance in the making when the goblins come-a-callin'.

  13. Tam,

    A friend of mine bought one recently and asked me my opinion of them and I told him I had no opinion as I had only heard of them but never played with one.

    Once he got it installed he went out to the range and tested it and told me it worked great. To quote him: "The cheapest full-auto I've ever bought" (he and I both own a couple of NFA firearms).

    Now I am thinking of getting one. I was concerned about being able to actually hit any thing with it but he assured me that it was quite controllable.

  14. I doubt Czech Police will consider that 'not automatic'... but who knows.

    Would be one reason to buy an AR-15 platform rifle..

    BTw.. are there any decent 7.62 WP AR-15 type guns?

  15. "Always with the negative waves Moriarty, always with the negative waves."

    Hahahahahahaha! I see we have the same taste in movies!

    Donald shoulda won an Oscar for that performance.

  16. In the oil patch, we call cleverly leaving oneself with more work to do at the end of the day, or week, "job security". I'm sure it's like this in a lot of fields.

    BATFE will let a few thousand go out, change their minds, and find themselves with a few years' worth of brand new investigations and appropriations.

    Mike James

  17. does it come in .50 BMG?

    wv: pilsor: what you get after 8 hours on the back of a pillory seat equipped motorcycle.

  18. I won't buy it unless it's illegal in California or Massachusetts. I have my standards. :-D

  19. Damn you Tam, now I have to go find my Kelly's Heroes DVD again.


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