Monday, June 06, 2011

Adventures at the dentist.

One interesting thing about going to get your teef worked on at the IUPUI dentistry school is that the clinics are a dentistphobe's nightmare: Imagine a low-walled cubical farm big enough to play a basketball game, and packed brim-lippin' full with rows of dentist's chairs where the bored solitaire players would normally be sitting. Now imagine a half-dozen or more dentist's drills all going in the room at once. It is a credit to the quality of the instruction, as well as students like Almost-A-Doctor Mandy and Almost-A-Doctor Katie that more people don't flee screaming.

Some fun can still be had, though. Inadvertently finding myself on an "UP" elevator instead of a "DOWN" one:
Clinic Visitor: "Oh, this is the fourth floor. What's up here?"

Student: "Umm... Endo, pedo..."

Me: "...Necro, bestio."


  1. That is just SOOOOO Sick!!!!

    I LOVE it!

  2. Poor student probably hadn't the foggiest idea of what you were talking about.

  3. Nice....are you gettin some gold toofies this time around? Fashizzle?

  4. Did any one say, "Is it safe?"


  5. When I was young, poverty-stricken, and living in Portland, Oregon, I had impacted wisdom teeth removed at the U. of Oregon dental school there.

    Generally it went OK, except I remember one time when the student pushed and pulled and pried and could not get the tooth out.

    After about twenty minutes of this, the instructor came over, said something on the lines of "Use a number 4 punch," and bam! the tooth was out.

    But the price was right.

  6. All on one floor...

    WV: outyring. Navel jewelry. Inniering, outyring.

  7. I didn't know there was a separate school for necrodonty. I thought that was just part of the regualar mortuary school.

    "Look how they massacred my boy" says Don Corleone. "I want you to use all your art to give him a perfect smile. I cannt let his mother see him like this, with all these.. cavities"

  8. "I didn't know there was a separate school for necrodonty. I thought that was just part of the regualar mortuary school."

    All I know is that my daddy has delivered many a set of false teeth he made to funeral homes because the walker jockey kicked the bucket before he finished making them.

  9. Phfffttt!
    You are the reason they make keyboard covers. Typing this from wife's machine while mine dries out.

  10. Cadaver bone is much more pleasant to have grafted-in since it does not require removal from the roof of your mouth - that really-really hurts for months.
    The "melt-in-your-mouth" sutures don't - they suck double-plus ungodly-badly and poke you with nasty plastic ends for weeks of real torture - silk or rayon or whatever is way-better.
    I am playing nurse-husband to one recovering from just such surgery.

    I had my wisdom teeth out with a #5 chisel.

  11. Glad you were able to get it done! You probably got treated better than we did in the military! :-)

  12. Oh, it's not done. Nowhere near. :(

  13. I'm just trying to puzzle out what endophillia might entail, and I'm not sure I really want to know...


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