Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I guess he wasn't going to flush the evidence?

Radley Balko notes that, while a whole host of minor crimes seem to warrant a breach & bang by the local SWAT team, followed by a lot of yelling and general dog shooting and the occasional ventilated bystander, really dangerous violent criminals in houses full of guns get lured out with a phone call. Officer safety, or something.

Look on the bright side: By doing it that way, at least they knew they had the right address.

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. Seems to me that SWAT teams are half bullies with badges who enjoy roughing up people who're not likely to put up a fight.

    They are around here... every now and then, they send them on raids into pubs and stuff and people always end up beaten up...

    At least they always get the address right in Europe. Maybe they use GPS or something..

  2. "At least they always get the address right in Europe."

    Uh-huh. And if they didn't, would you hear about it? Are you sure?

    Believe it or not, us primitives have heap big magic GPS technology in America, too. (And you're welcome for us letting you use our satellites.) It doesn't keep idiots from getting lost. If technology prevented idiocy, then Apple stores wouldn't be full of hipsters.

  3. It's all the fault of the TeeWee. All those training films and documentaries which strongly affect opinion and behavior.

    COPS, Rambo, The China Syndrome...

  4. If there is no evidence that maybe destroyed then it makes sense to sit, wait and talk.


  5. Swedish SWAT teams are only sent in for obviously dangerous situations. Shootouts, hostage situations, etc. And even when they do, they typically end the situation peacefully(IE: bad guys surrenders).

  6. Tam,

    Finally a little common sense. That was actually a prevalent method for warrant service back in the day. I can remember even making calls and telling people to "come to the PD so we don't have to come kick in your door". It worked a suprisingly large percentage of the time.

    Of course, when you are trying to interdict a drug sales or manufacturing enterprise, suprise can actually be important. But I still maintain it doesn't ALWAYS require "the local SWAT team, followed by a lot of yelling and general dog shooting and the occasional ventilated bystander" like some departments seem to think.

  7. Oh, and I forgot to add how pleased I was that Bulger was finally found and arrested. We have been after him for 20 years here in Tulsa, for the killing of Tulsa businessman Roger Wheeler in the parking lot of the Southern Hills Country Club on May 27th, 1981. Seems that "Whitey" put out the contract on that job.

  8. "Half the barricaded gunman and hostage situations would end peacefully if the police just left.

    The problem is, no one can tell which half."

    H. Schlossberg

    P. S, I'm glad they got him too. Bulger is a genuinely bad and dangerous man.

    P. P. S., coincidence on the name of the Bulger story article author? Or is that how you are financing that R8?

  9. Good points in that set of notes...

  10. Not that there is any contraband of any kind in this house where I now live, but even if there were some, and I were to flush it, it would go right into the septic tank in the back yard. It would not leave that place.

    Further: Turning off the water valve at the meter would make it impossible to flush contraband unless the possessors of such had acquired many buckets full of water. This would not help them, as everything would go into the septic tank, anyway.

    My conclusion? The pigs are making up stories to give them the excuse to shoot citizens and their dogs, so as to be able to get over on citizens with impunity.

  11. Oh, soliciting some advice here. Anybody have any advice on how to reconcile being a White Nationalist with being a Christian Libertarian whose very black Archbishop is in charge of the Anglican Province of Rwanda?

    I am quite serious. The Africans, the best of them, do seem to do Christianity better than the white guys these days.


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