Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Overheard on the Phone:

Me: "...and they had all kinds of targets downrange, like appliances and old cars and even a school bus!"

Shootin' Buddy: "Did you shoot the cannon?"

Me: "No, I didn't get around to that."

Shootin' Buddy: "You need to shoot the cannon. Do it for Fourth Grade Tamara. Fourth Grade Tamara would have crawled on two broken legs to shoot a cannon at a school bus."


  1. Lmao. Didn't get around to shooting a cannon? But it was right there! And a cannon!

  2. If you look quickly at the picture it appears they are about to commence an artillery assault on that McMansion.
    Looks like a lot of fun!

  3. Now Tam...

    You do know that we have a cannon at the Northeast Bloggershoot, right?

    Just sayin'...

  4. I Must build myself another cannon!
    That and the .505 Gibbs would forever stop any 'mine's bigger' arguments!

  5. SB's right... You're gonna regret this.

  6. Fourth Grade Tamara? Out-of-school-for-years Joanna would crawl on two broken legs to shoot a cannon at a school bus. I'm surprised at you, woman!

  7. I really, really, wanted to shoot the cannon, but wasn't able to.

    The first time I got in line they told me they were saving th last rounds for the media and told me to come back later. When I came back I wound up being the first one in line *after* they ran out of ammo...

    It was great to meet you at the shoot. I finally got my shoot report posted with some pics and vids.


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