Tuesday, June 21, 2011

QotD: Run In Circles, Scream And Shout Edition.

From Roomie this morning:
One thing you can say for sure about atomic power: it has given us FUD too cheap to meter.
Damn, I wish I'd written that.


  1. What does FUD stand for?

  2. If you have to ask, apparently your Google-fu is weak.

  3. If the Greenies need something to panic about, may I point to the fact that Omaha and Plattsmouth (probably other municipalities, too), NE are pumping raw sewage straight into the river, and will continue to do so for the duration...... which is expected to be through August or September (IF it stops raining). ..... but that would be an actual public health hazard (as opposed to Glowbull Warmenishness), as most of them feel there are too many humans living here anyway .....and cholera would help the Environment......

    Part of this debacle was caused by political monkeybusiness with the Corps of Engineers Operating Manual, which changed the mission of the Upper Missouri River dams from 100% flood control to saving the Pallid Sturgeon, the Least Tern, supporting barge traffic (and the expansion of the Corps and Coast Guard mission and influence!)and providing recreational opportunities (and lakefront real estate!) in the Dakotas ..... thanks a steaming pile, Tom Daschle!

  4. Sadly, the FUD has been extraordinarily expensive ... indirectly.

    but its a great line that I will steal shamelessly.

  5. FUD = Fear, Uncertainty, & Doubt?

    Doesn't seem to fit?

  6. Anon 9:19,

    "Doesn't seem to fit?"

    Really? Are you dense?

  7. If one is Scottish, Fud is always expensive. Nothing to do with fear or uncertainty, at least in the beginning.

  8. If you are not angry, you are not paying attention.

    If you don't have an unhealthy level of FUD, you are dense.

    See, ignorance IS bliss.

    ..... so put on a happy face, whip out that credit card, and party like it's 1999, 'cause worrying about available clean drinking water, west nile virus and the national debt will just give you ulcers.......

    For those of you that appreciate schadenfruede:


    That's a live cam of the Plattsmouth, NE sewage treatment plant seen from the west. At the very extreme left of the shot is Castaway Pointe, a condo project made possible by getting FEMA to move their 100 year floodway line on the map..... so that the project could get flood insurance. That's right: you bought it. You might as well get to watch it float away!

  9. What the hell does any of that have to do with the topic at hand?

  10. IDK, Gnarly ..... mehbee fear, uncertainty, doubt, flooding, government facilities, misplaced fearmongering, government monkeybusiness......

  11. Dude, you are talking gibberish. What does any of that have to do with nuclear power?

    This... er, 'conversation' is surreal.

    So... uh... how do you feel about the Braves' chances this year? (And please don't answer with "Orange!" or "Chairman Mao!")

  12. "And please don't answer with "Orange!" or "Chairman Mao!""

    Damn, you took the fun out of that stream.

  13. Repeat after me: "The China Syndrome" was NOT a documentary."

  14. I must have a different set of triggers. When I followed the links to the pictures, I thought "Holy Crap, where would I park if I worked there?"

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


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