Friday, June 17, 2011

Straight outta the math department.

Wee'rd Beard links to a picture of one of the Vancouver rioters.

Huh. So that’s what a Canadian rioter looks like.

I was expecting something like an extra from a Cypress Hill video, bandanna over his face as he waves a Glock with one hand and flashes gang signs with the other, and instead I get the star of an unauthorized Hong Kong remake of Harry Potter waving a hockey stick.

Dude, that’s just sad.

Seriously, when I see 110 pounds of spectacles-wearing fury, I don't think "A/V Club Gone Wild", I think "Does your mom know you're out here burning cop cars? 'Cause she'll be pissed."


  1. > I get the star of an unauthorized Hong Kong remake of Harry Potter


  2. I've always seen riots as a microcosm of the unemployed demographic-the people that riot in all riots-sports, political, etc-tend to have one common factor: time on their hands.

    And I mean, when you've got nothing but time and final exams are over, the natural thing to do is light a molotov and whip it at a car because your team put a plastic puck in a 5x5 net fewer times than the other team.

  3. Living in Babylon,

    "I've always seen riots as a microcosm of the unemployed demographic-the people that riot in all riots-sports, political, etc-tend to have one common factor: time on their hands."

    Exactly. This is why Conservative/Libertarian rallies have piss poor attendance. Who's gonna take time off work and drive a hundred miles to dress funny and wave a sign?

  4. I would have to think driving a hundred miles in a wookie suit would be a special kind of hell...

  5. As I said before, his mom is gonna show him the buisness end of a wooden spoon when she sees this picture!

  6. Hmm. I would have expected a far more polite riot from Canadians. I'm quite disappointed in their behavior. This is going on their permanent record.

  7. John Peddie (Toronto)9:56 AM, June 17, 2011

    The Vancouver troglodytes took their cues from the (totally spontaneous, you understand)G 20"protesters" in Toronto last year.

    Guess the "One Mountie, one riot" thing has kinda lost its sheen too.

    Our riots are losing their classiness.


  8. @ Les

    I think you mean Hockey "whingers"

  9. Looks like the Tamalanche knocked Wee'rd World offline, or at least killed the link. :(

  10. I looked at the picture and thought my third grade teacher, Sister Mora, would have cleaned his clock then made him clean up the broken class.

    Oh Canada, where is Sgt Preston when you needed him?


  11. Living up the road from Hongcouver, and doing my level best to avoid ever having to go there, I'm willing to bet that that scrawny poser is the son of a very wealthy family, who picked up the stick and took turns with his buddies taking similar pics for his fb page. They'll all be the coolest badasses of the week at the prep school.

  12. Tam, have you seen this photo from the riots?

    I guess the individuals in the photo were a bit preoccupied.

  13. And pigeon-toed! When did Singapore field an ice-hocky team?, It's too hot there and you can't spit on the sidewalk without getting arrested.

  14. When I first saw the headline for rioting in Canada all I could picture was Bob and Doug MacKenzie walking down the street.

    "So uhhh, we're kinda upset that those hosers from Boston took the cup and all so uh... we're gonna smash your windows eh... If that's okay and all. Don't worry aboot the the glass there.... Dougie brought his dad's shop-vac....."

  15. "What's a Canadian farmboy to do?"
    "Hit somebody!"


  16. He needs to hold that hockey stick 20% harder.

  17. Check this out:

  18. DirtCrasr, in Singapore they'd set up belt-feds in interlocking fields of fire, and take the whole crowd down with grazing fire.

    After they'd had their legs repaired, the Sigaporean government would have made them all pay off the costs associated with the fun day.

    By the way, did you know that it's illegal in Singapore to spend any government money for the benefit of an individual? Schools, streets, and harbors, but no welfare, which is strictly private, handled by churches, temples, and mosques. Hmmm...

  19. HBDChick has a good take on this.

    WV: menes. Yes, there aren't enough menes, these days.


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