Thursday, June 30, 2011

When we said 'Deep Throat', we didn't mean like that!

If the media had handled Watergate the way they're handling Gunwalker, Woodward and Bernstein would have helped with the coverup and Zombie Nixon would be president today.

Seriously, half the editorial coverage so far is the equivalent of editorializing that the Iran-Contra affair mostly underlined the need to have a more effective clandestine arms pipeline to prohibited nations.


  1. With the specific content of the post in mind, this post has the greatest title ever.


  2. Not unprecedented. Remember when the Lame Stream Media was going nuts about the Evil Branch Davidians brutal ambush of those poor, innocent ATF Agents who were just strolling down a country lane in Texas one morning? I believe that occurred on Hillary's Watch, also.

    Why Hillary's Watch? Don't forget her whining just a few months back along side the Mexican President about those Evil Assault Rifles that were being smuggled across the Border. Why, it's as if she KNEW the ATF was up to something, didn't she?

  3. I know, right?

    Even fellow shooters, who should know all about it, reply with a "huh?", when i broach the topic.

    ps, lolz... word verification on comments ... "troll" i am not! am i?

  4. There will be no investigation on anything that would put this administration in a bad light. Obama is too big to fail.

  5. That post title needs a beverage warning!

    And yeah, I still find myself having trouble believing how the media is so willing to go along with the plan despite the way it's been exposed.

  6. "The ONLY way Fast & Furious makes sense is as a direct attack on the Second Amendment."

    Exactly what I've been thinking and saying for weeks. The media will make fools of themselves trying to prove otherwise.

  7. The only thing that can bring down a ruling Democrat is a sex scandal with pictures. And even then, it's dicey.


  8. Like they used to say in the South: "The only thing that will get him out of office is to be caught in a motel room with a dead woman or a live boy."

    cap'n chumbucket

  9. what you said, Og. They do love the taste and smell of that yummy cop smegma.

  10. Justthisguy,

    Obama's a cop now? Who knew?


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