Sunday, July 10, 2011

...the faint hum of the carrier wave.

I know I'm supposed to write something here, but I've got bupkis. Seriously, my head is emptier than a PETA booth at a Ted Nugent concert.

Hopefully I'll think of something before too long. Feel free to chat amongst yourselves.


  1. some days white noise is all I have.


  2. As Linda Richman would say, 'I'll give you a topic: The Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire...discuss'

  3. “You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.”
    - Jack London

  4. Debt ceiling? They say if the Tea Party doesn't cave by the end of the week we'll turn into Albania. Maybe at that point Bono can get our debt forgiven entirely.

  5. Or the promised but as yet undelivered archived account of your having been jacked whilst your SA was on TL? AT

  6. "You call is very important to us. The current wait time is...."

  7. "We're sorry, but all representatives are currently serving other customers, please press "1" for further options in English, please press "2" for all other languages and our company's travel agent will assist you in getting back to your own country."

    Dann in Ohio

  8. When in doubt and when you've zip to post...put up a cartoon. It works for me.

  9. Since The Arms Room appears to be in deep hibernation for now, why not put up a gun pic? There's got to be something interesting in your collection you haven't shown off yet.

  10. I've been feeling increasingly stale these past few months. Not sure what to do about it.

  11. Well, I'm only 11 years behind on Schlock Mercenary archives, guess I could go there for a bit. The faint hum of the carrier wave isn't that different from the ominous hummmmmmm of a plasma cannon, anyway.

  12. Go to the range, I'm SURE that will prompt good thoughts! :-)

  13. I'm not sure if BobG or OldNFO wins. udoes to both.

  14. Ken, its a crime to be behind on Schlock. As a coincidence, Schlock's plasma cannon was employed this weekend.

  15. Get a dog and post incessantly about him. Not sure why, but people seem to like it.

    Failing that, let's swap Brigid stories. Rumor is that you've got some good ones.

  16. Going after it with a club, eh? Everyone needs a good club. A baseball bat, well, that's okay, I guess, but it's not quite right. The material itself is right----can you beat ash? Maybe hickory? And the name itself, "Louisville Slugger," that just resonates, at least for me. It's history and tradition, right there in your hands! Of course, the down side is that the balance is all wrong, too far out towards the tip. I suppose if you were to lathe it down, or take a Sur-Form to it, you could bring the POB back, make it a little more agile, turn it into kind of a shille . . . shilla . . . shillalagh? Silly-lay-he? Although blackthorn, now, that would be pretty much fun, too.

  17. I hope you and Brigid had a good talk and beer at BRBP.

  18. If you tell your doctor you have bupkis, he or she will be very skeptical. Apparently, a lot of people claim to have it just to get the opioids.

    Or so I hear.

  19. Write about 1911 magazine followers, that always get's 'em...

  20. Does the carrier really hum, or does it make a hole in the background noise allowing power supply leakage to become audible? What role does AGC play in this? Discuss.

    Consensus-some people need to hang out more with hu-mons.

    WV:gonters. How do they know these things?

  21. Sometimes, even Homer doth nod.

  22. Well, there's always the bikini pics...

  23. Cap'n Lex (If you don't read his blog, you should.) has put up a weird-dream post at least equal to any of yours, with smartass comments by all sorts of folks, some of whom also show up here. At first, I told him I'd tell on him to Tam, then I thought, no, all the gun nerds will show up, then I thought, Why not"

    The post is at:

    Stupid Google won't let me make a clickable link, so I reckon y'all will just have to type it in. I do think it's worth the trouble.

  24. Justthisguy,

    "Stupid Google won't let me make a clickable link..."

    Not even with the [a href=""][/a] tags?

  25. I should not have to do that. At the Cap'n's place, all I have to do is say http etc and it comes up all nice and blue and clickable. Yah, I know, he pays money to keep his blog up. Mebbe the Googleboys are trying to keep the number of links down, make us do "something" for the free ice cream.

    WV: glyco. Now that's sweet!

  26. Once people stopped having to know what an html tag was, that's when the riffraff started turning up on the web. I'm just sayin'.

  27. Hell, even I can make a clicakble link... (Map to Sterling City/Diamond Match Company town).

  28. Also coming up empty for posting and tired of the cold shoulder from the "friendly community". Running on fumes.

  29. North,

    What do you mean by "the cold shoulder from the 'friendly community'"?

    I can only give advice from my own perspective:

    I blog for me. I blogged for me when I got 30 hits a day, I blogged for me when I got 300 hits a day, and I blog for me now that I get 3000 hits a day.

    I know that for some people blogging is an intensely social activity: They carefully reply to each comment by name, read all their friends' blogs every day, scrupulously maintain reciprocal blogrolls...

    For me, it's not.

    I read maybe five or six blogs a day, and those five or six change from day to day. I don't really surf from my blogroll as much as I do from my sitemeter. I link and/or comment pretty much at random and when something trips my trigger and makes me say "Hey, I've got an idea on this topic, too!"

    I don't know what to tell you except this: Keep grinding it out. If you build it, they will come. And if they don't come, then you need to ask yourself the 'SayUncle Question': Are you doing this to entertain them, or you?

  30. I'm sorry I said anything, really. Venting. You have always been nice. I got back to your blog through a few links that were talking about having a dry spell on their blogs.

    I'm also having a dry spell. I keep waffling on what is driving me to blog. And it doesn't matter if I blog for me or for you. If I have no 'ammo' it doesn't matter what the target is. My expectations for interaction are very low regardless of the reason for blogging.

    Thanks for your words and the time that you took to post them.


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