Sunday, July 17, 2011

Place holder...

While this morning's post finishes its gestation, have some tab clearing.

-...and gloom. (Plus, it's still all Bush's fault!)

-Smith & Wesson already have an app for that. (Also, minus 10,000 points for victim-blaming. An app that tells students to "Wear a burkha when you leave your dorm room. And don't go out at night" is not how we cut down on campus rape.)

-On a lighter note, preliminary photos from Bobbi and Tam's Excellent Adventure.


  1. Sigh. We knew it was coming. Time to visit Cheaper Than Dirt and buy more ammo. And to stock up on even more food and water....

  2. Why is it that life seems more like an Onion satire everyday? An app to help students avoid rape? Winner to be announced on freakin' Halloween??

    As you say, I think Messrs Smith and Wesson, Sam Colt, John M. Browning, and a handful of other mechanical geniuses came up with a fine answer a long time ago.

  3. Yep, it sucks out here. Got cash? Buy Ammo while you can afford it.

  4. My favorite book in the Old Testament is Ecclesiastes. It's an old fart griping about the state of the world. It's a poetic version of the dialogue at any Legion hall, NCO club or corner tap.

    One thing "the Preacher" never mentioned was goofiness.


  5. The way to cut down on campus rape is to cut down campus rapists.

    Preferably not until a week after the hanging.


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