Friday, July 29, 2011

QotD: Regulatory Bedwettery Edition.

From the Adaptive Curmudgeon:
My last encounter with “Californicated warnings” in their native habitat was a few years ago. I’d ridden all day through the homage to air pollution and illegal immigration that is the San Joaquin valley. I stopped at a mechanic’s shop for an oil change. On the door was the list of things known to California to cause cancer. It included everything but sunshine and metric wrenches.
You should go read the whole thing; it's pretty darn funny.


  1. Last year I had to go to a military school in Camp Parks, near Pleasanton (east of Oakland). I was able to get a rental car for this event, and as is normal with a rental, the last thing I did before I turned it in was go to a gas station to top it off.

    On the gas pump - on every gas pump in California, I gather - was a warning sticker that told me everything I needed to know about California and Californians:


    Every time I'm obliged to go to California it makes me proud to be a Hoosier.


  2. Skin cancer and Pulmonary Crescent Wrench disease.

  3. As I said over there -

    Not kidding, when I was brewing beer I used an Oxygen bottle to help the yeasties kick it into high gear. On the bottle was that exact same warning – “The contents of this bottle have been known to cause cancer in the state of California”.


  4. California is America's cancer.

  5. "metric wrenches"

    That says it all right there. SAE wrenches are not welcome in CA due to being American and not Euro-Social-Communist enough for the old Wethers/Kapaters* running the state into hell!

    * castrated old goats

    I think the Poles had it right: The state which governs least, governs best.

    Time to switch to decaf, I suppose...

    Ulises from CA

  6. Actually, I really wouldn't mind it if we gave Kalifornia back to Mexico, PROVIDED Mexico has to take ALL the State's Politicians also, and that includes the Federal Ones.

  7. My wife and I are Coloradoans displaced to California. I cannot think of a single business I've entered that lacked a "Proposition 65" warning, informing me of all the cancer causing chemicals. Not one. Whether it's a Coffee shop or a Computer store, they all have them.

    That's not even scratching the surface of the wierdness of Cali's regulatory scheme. Sufficed to say, there's a Damned good reason that no company that doesn't have massive incentives provided by the state/county/city moves here.

    WV: "fiatora," as in a FIAT or a?
    I"d pick a nice pair of shoes.

  8. Bubblehead: I think you have a poor read on Cali politics. Remember that Duncan Hunter came form San Diego. NorCal and SoCal (Coincidentally, the parts of the state that actually produce things) are mostly conservative and Pro Gun. They're just outvoted by LA, San Fran, and the rest of the middle coast.

  9. Sunshine has made the list if you judge by the number of floppy-hatted full-coverage anti-sun weirdos looking like multiple brides at a Mormon wedding. The best explanation is they came from Massachusetts for College and never went home - or they have a H1-B visa... and Google didn't move here, it grew here - so take their "don't be evil" motto with a big grain of saltpeter.

    Thank god for Darryl Issa and Tom McClintock! Get out of the massive suburban sprawl and it's a whole 'nother state.

  10. California is a grand experiment in what happens when you make a government's constitution too easy to amend.

  11. Pretty darn funny unless you live in the San Joaquin Valley : (

  12. The blue counties in California are pretty much the ones west of the San Andreas fault. Those of us in the red counties need to lobby for access to nukes to trigger the Big One. Bury them deep. The red counties will fall into the ocean. Problem solved

  13. “There is science, logic, reason; there is thought verified by experience.
    And then there is California.”
    - Edward Abbey

  14. Sunshine causes melanoma. I presume a motorcycle garage has less of this dangerous substance(?) than most places, but CA as a whole has more than most other states. Has the State of California put up warnings at all the border crossings?


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